
Is Water Boarding Torture?

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Is Water Boarding Torture?




  1. If I were being forced against my will to be simulated to drowning, then yes, I would consider that torture.

  2. Yes.

    Today it is considered to be torture by a wide range of authorities, including legal experts,[4][7] politicians,[8] war veterans,[9][10] intelligence officials,[11] military judges,[12] and human rights organizations.

    ''The person believes they are being killed, and as such, it really amounts to a mock execution, which is illegal under international law,'' claims John Sifton of Human Rights Watch.

  3. Yes, and it's necessary!!!!

  4. Let's turn that question around.

    If YOU are captured by Al Qaida, they will BEHEAD you and show the film to your family, friends, and the rest of the world.

    Now, what was your question again?

  5. No, it's frightening it doesn't harm. It can't be torture if it doesn't harm. Today having a dog bark loudly at you is considered torture, but that doesn't make it so.

  6. Is living without your husband that you lost on 911 and explaining it to your 5 year old child torture?  Yes.  

    Its necessary...  They don't play fair.  We aren't chopping their heads off...


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