
Is Waterpolo Really Rough And Violent?

by Guest66465  |  earlier

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I want to try out for the waterpolo team next year. And I've never played before. How do I practice for it? Should I go for it? I'm a decent swimmer. Is it worth it? I've heard that a lot of illegal action goes unseen underwater by the refs. Will I get injured?





  1. depends wat the age is, the older u get the rougher it gets,

    its really not as bad as people make out, ull find that the fitness required and exhaustion is much harder than the contact. Most of the fouls given to the offensive team is partly because of an acting performance anyway and thers no-one that will go and intend to physically drown u. Alot of actions go unseen but i wouldnt call them illegal actions, ther mor or less part of the game. like if someone is sitting behind u and pushin u under, u can grab his wrists nd pull him under with u to get the foul....its a very fine line between wats legal and wats illegal...

    u could get injured but the risk would be just as much as playing basketball.

  2. It sounds like you might get injured... Are you well liked, or are you the kind of kid that the jocks pick on?  If you get picked on in the hallways, you'll get picked on in the pool.

  3. YES IT IS.

    (don't believe level 6 troll)

    I am 14 and i play high school water polo. Alot of people don't realize that yes it is a very violent sport. And yes you do get kicked and shoved underwater. But that's the fun of it, as long as the ref doesn't see you, you can do anything under water.

    I am not the best swimmer in the world. I don't have super fast times. For waterpolo it doesn't matter how fast you are as a swimmer.

    1. You need to be able to tread for an entire game, which is about 45 minutes depending on whether you go into overtime.

    2. And you need to be able to swim on top of the water. It is kind of like freestyle on top of the water. But you don't put your face down into the water. You are looking ahead the whole time.. The whole point of it is you can swim with the ball.

    I think yes you should go out for it. There is nothing to lose. It is really fun and you will be disappointed or you didn't. Take it from me, I'm in 9th grade and i played waterpolo on my team for the very first time this year. I played varsity and was the only freshmen starter. And i had a blast!

    NO you won't get injured. Besides a few brusies here and there you will not get seriously injured.

    Hopefully that changed your mind!!

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