
Is Wearing Black at a Wedding still considered very inappropriate?

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its been a while since i've been to a formal wedding




  1. I dont think so.  My best friends wedding is next weekend and its a black and white wedding so we can wear either black or white or both

  2. I had an outdoor wedding, to which a close family member wore black thinking it would make her appear thinner. In fact I was seriosly traumatized by this and still am when looking back at my pictures. Black, in my opinion should be nowhere near a new couple starting out in life. Think of the bride and do what she would agree with at all times!  

  3. I does not matter anymore...whether you wear black or wear the bride's or grooms favorite color, somebody will criticize it. Just wear what you feel most comfortable wearing so that you won't be worrying about it and can focus on having a nice time. Heck, I wore black to a funeral recently and it turned out the widow and the children of the man who died were all wearing bright cheerful colors because they felt it would have been too dire and depressing to wear black...who knew?

  4. You can wear it; I think the actual outfit is more important.

    Also, if the bridesmaids are in black, I would not wear that color!

    We had a 65-year-old woman come to our wedding in a black minidress. She proceeded to shake her booty on the dance floor. It was not a pretty sight, but we still laugh at it. I did not care what color it was, it just was TOO short. Her son was mortified.

    My dad got married last year. I cannot stand my stepmother. I wore black  to the wedding, with my tattoo showing on my leg (shorter skirt). I mentioned to several of my relatives that I was expressing my feelings. You would understand if you met this woman. It felt more like a funeral to me...

    Seriously, as long as your undies or other "unmentionable" things are not showing, you can wear black. Just see what the wedding colors are first.

  5. I don't think it's considered very inappropriate, but I still wouldn't do it. Would you wear black to any other happy celebration? Probably not.  

  6. yes.  it is color of death; my mother in law wore it to mine.  i guess the ***** was trying to tell me something

  7. I don't think so.

    At my friends wedding her colors were black and white.

    It was gorgeous!

    I would, but that's me.  

  8. Yes....

  9. inappropriate and disrespectful.

  10. Black has become an elegant option to wear if it is a formal wedding.   You can downplay the black by adding a color accessory.  

  11. Yes, black is for funerals.

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