
Is Webkinz a safe website for my 11 year old?

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Is Webkinz a safe website for my 11 year old?




  1. The site is extremely safe, but people can steal the account and Kinzcash if your child is not careful. Read this information to help make sure that does not happen:

  2. yes

  3. OMG yea my brother has one and he is 8 there is nothing wrong with it I have one and I am 14 I find it very kid friendly  

  4. Yes my 5 year old cousin gets on there all the time and loves it!

  5. yes, its very safe. It's a very cute website with games and such.

    my 7 year old cousin plays on it all the time and her uncle is a very strict  fbi agent and he would absolutely not let her use it if it was in any way unsafe. Get on and check it out for yourself if your still unsure about it.

    Hope I helped :)

  6. Yes.  Younger kids than that use it all the time.

  7. yep yep sure is

  8. yes the club house doesn't even work so she can't talk to anybody

  9. VERY safe.

    There is no chatting or anything that can be harmful and at ten o'clock at night they shut off so the kids won't be on all night.

    Very safe and very fun for young kids. And even older ones.

  10. Yeah totally

  11. Yes.

  12. its safe ..but i think u can chat on there? just make sure its her friends from school, etc cause  u can really never say never. my little one just uses the games and spendz her kinz cash

  13. yes, my niece does and she's 8

  14. Very safe.My daughter even uses the KinzChat plus part of webkinz so it is safe,she reports to me whenever she feels scared but nothing so far...

  15. yes webkinz is a very safe website all you do is play games, and buy things for your "pet" like clothes or furniture with the coins from the games you earn. Also, there are no ads on the site.

  16. i cant see why its not safe....

  17. Yes it is very safe... U go there by a kid toy.. of course its safe.

  18. yes. its a child website. its something more interactive then the beanie babies that we used to play with and collect

  19. Yes for sure.

  20. You can only "chat" to others inside Webkinz using pre-defined words and phrases. Given that most young children haven't mastered spelling and sentence cosntruction, this is seen by them as a helpful feature. More importantly, you can't reveal your identity or age etc because these aren't approved words and numbers aren't permitted. So the opportunities for conversations that would terrify a parent are effectively eliminated.

    I would say it would be a good game for your child. But make sure they dont spend all of their time infront of a computer screen!

    -Hope this helps! :D

  21. its safe for 5 year olds!!!

  22. duh

  23. Webkinz is the safest website I know. Their pets cannot die either.

  24. It's very safe.  There's no way for kids to give out any personal information and if they talk to other members it's all "guided" chat (they pick pre-written sentences) so there's no way to have inappropriate conversations on there with strangers.   There is a "Kinz Chat Plus" that has fewer restrictions, but the parent has to sign them up for it and it is monitored.

  25. Yes.  My kids are 15, 10, and 6 and they all have an account.  

  26. yes. It is made for kids

    Another alternative that is completly free is I used to love it!!  

  27. Yes, kids love this but be careful because it can become quite addicting.  My friends twin brothers have it and they just turned 5, they LOVE it!

  28. YES. veryyy!

  29. Does your 11 year old NEED to be on the internet?

  30. yeah!!! 4 year olds play on it!

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