
Is Western Civilization an ancient Greek discovery?

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Is Western Civilization an ancient Greek discovery?




  1. In a way we are the product of Greece, it was Hellenization of the Western World which gave rise to our culture. Our form of Government and Philosophy are directly traced back to Greece as in Plato's contributions to Greek philosophy and Romes Democracy.

  2. No, It's an ancient Greek invention. The cause of this invention was the climate, the geology and the geography of Greece. Greece is a rocky and mainly infertile region near the middle east, where plenty of ancient civilizations were born. Because of this lack in sources Greeks have been occupied themselves for thousands of years with navy and colonizing around the then known world. So, they contacted other civilizations and collected all of their inventions and achievements, systematized them and rapidly developped them. The outcome of that procedure was the western civilization.

    PS:Celts were still "barbarians" when the Romans conquered them and their civilization was pretty primitive.  

  3. Civilizations are different  

  4. Western civilization developed BECAUSE of the Greeks. Both Plato and Aristotle were incorporated into Christianity, Plato by Augustine, which began the Dark Ages; and Aristotle by Aquinas, which very slowly brought us into the Enlightenment.

    Both of those philosophers were incorporated into Arab civilization before Western, but the way they were adapted was different. Thus, Western civilization went into the Dark Ages while the Arab world thrived. Then the reverse happened and while the West went hog-wild for science, Islam scorned science.

  5. No.

    The ancient Greeks were part of the western world but in Europe alone the first civilization were the Celtics. In the Mideast and the Mediterranean area there were other civilizations like the Minoans and the forerunners of the Romans.

    The ancient Greeks did not discover western civilization. They were a part of it but not the originators nor the discoverers.

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