
Is Wicca paranormal?

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Just wondering seems like a lot of questions and answers involve Wicca.




  1. yes

  2. No, just fake.

  3. Some people feel the need to have a title.

    Even if it means by an association to a religious belief.

    Like all religions, it's a cult.

  4. No, but some (IMO silly) Wiccans think it is.

    Wicca is natural, not supernatural. Normal, not paranormal.

  5. we are every where!and I refer to the paranormal,as ancestors an to the family members as just that.are ways are of peace an harmony with all life forces.and if the comes a time that something wicked walks this way we can handle that too.we will always be considered  in the shadows,but we are truly in the light an from the light.blessed be.

  6. No, though many in Wicca do practice divination etc..

  7. No more than any other religion.

    "Wicca" gets associated with all sorts of practices that don't have anything to do with Wicca, such as power crystals, seances, tarot cards, runes, animal totems, spirit guides, familiars, pendulums, angels, and spells.  The terms has become quite faddish and people who haven't bothered actually studying it like to associate with it regardless.

  8. Yes and no.

    Paranormal means "of or pertaining to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena," and technically the religion itself isn't any more paranormal than any other, then, because all deites can't be scientifically proven.

    I'm assuming you're more referring to the magick some Wiccans practice. Not all Wiccans do witchcraft, but those that do would probably tell you that while it's "paranormal" by the above definition, it's actually quite normal and safe. Magick is just using naturally occuring things to make changes. Nothing too "paranormal" about that, altough it can't, indeed, be proven by science.
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