
Is Wii Fit really worth it?

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yes or no and what is bad about it and what is good about it

remember it is about 90 dollars we are talking about




  1. this is one of those questions where its need vs. want

    do you want it?


    do you need it?

    its a fun game overall, but in the end, its just a game to help you do light exercisee, which is something you could have done on your own and saver yourself 90 bux

  2. it is so worth the money if you have time to play it i lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks playing it :)

  3. For most people, yes.

    It's light exercise that's more fun to do than it would be on your own or with a fitness DVD.  More fun and more motivational means more exercise for most of us!

    It is, however, LIGHT exercise.  My boyfriend plays soccer 9 hours a week and hits the gym for 3-6 hours/week, so it's worthless to him.

    For my mother, myself, and my roommates, though, it's awesome.

    It's cheaper than a gym membership (which would admittedly be better exercise, but I'm bad about going!) or a piece of fitness equipment, so yes, it's worth it.  It also functions as a bathroom scale.  Even better, after I was in a car accident it had all my rehab exercises right on there!

    The tracker is highly motivational for me.  I wind up walking to work or going skating just to add that time into the wii fit tracker.

    I nearly got rid of my stair stepper because the wii had taken its place, but I realized I could double my workout by doing the jogging workout on the stair stepper.

    In short, if you'd benefit from light exercise, it's worth it.  If you're already an athlete or a gym bunny, not so much!

  4. Haha you are absolutely right, it is 90 dollars we are talking about.

    I have recently played wii fit at my grandparent's house. They bought it and they seem to really enjoy it. Unfortunately being a sixteen year old, it is not my cup of tea.

    While the balance board works wonderfully, and some of the games are pretty fun, it gets boring for a kid my age quickly.

    I told my grandparents that if I ever got this game, I would try to unlock all of the minigames and then never play it again. Which is truly what would happen.

    Another variable that goes into it is the question: do you really need to lose weight?

    When wii fit measured my BMI (body mass index) it told me I was "normal" and did not need to gain or lose any weight.

    This made it less interesting to me, but if you were overweight or obese, it would make the game more fun because you are actually working toward a goal.

    The game is very user friendly and includes a calendar feature for you to set goals like "Lose 5 pounds by the end of the month" which is really nice.

    The thing I was most surprised about was that after about a half hour of the more intense games, I was actually breaking a sweat.

    So this will make you lose weight if you follow the "exercise" up with proper eating habits.

    But remember this last point. The wii balance board is used for other games that are both out now and will be released in the future. Just remember that if you buy this, you can buy other games for it too.

    So while the game is fun and gets you moving, it is just not for me. If you are older than 16 and you want to lose weight and have a good time, it is for you.

    I hope I've helped. Good luck.

  5. No.  It's just a c**p mini-game collection.

  6. It's worth it. It's fun, and it will really help you get into shape and get a better body.

    either way, if you don't like it, sell it on ebay for $100+... people will buy it!

  7. It depends on how bad you need it and how committed you are to using it.

    The first couple of days it's fun..but i've already gotten lazy and stopped using it.  

    The activities are pretty fun...but  dayem some people are just so lazy (like me)

    I think you have to make sure you eat and work out regularly with the wii fit to see any results.  

    The activiites that they have are yoga, strength, aerobics (jogging, hula hoop & stepping game), balance games (snowboarding, mini games)

    If you have the money and don't mind getting then i would recommend it. if your purchasing it to lose weight like i did..then it might not be worth it unless your committed.

    Within the 2 days it said i gained 4 lbs :(

    good luck  

  8. I dont know but it looks cool

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