
Is Windows Vista Basic a good operating system?

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My father is looking at getting a laptop computer and to tell you the truth folks, he's not all that great on computers and says himself all he'll really be doing is emailingh is friends or checking the internet. Can you tell me something about that version of Vista? the computer we've looked at for him comes with it.

Thanks a lot.




  1. nooooooooooooooooooooooo dont get vista! its unfinished and hates every application/game/add-on/webcam ever!

  2. i would see how much they want to upgrade it to home premium. I like Vista but the home basic is c**p.

  3. its alright. my uncle has vista and i experience alot of probelms on it. If i were u i'd get a mac or an XP

  4. yeah windows vista basic is good for what you get you get all the stuff you need ... security , and if you need extra stuff just download it off cnet.

  5. No, No, No and No Again.

    Get XP Pro. Much better, comes with more stuff and it doesn't ask you 3 times to confirm everything you want to do.

  6. What She Said:

    'nooooooooooooooooooooooo dont get vista! its unfinished and hates every application/game/add-on/webcam ever!'

    Get A Mac.


  7. Wrighty,

    If all your father is going to do email and surfing the net, then Vista basic is fine. However, the fact that the laptop has Vista Basic is a sign that it is lacking something. I am assuming the DDR RAM is one gigabyte. Anything less, and I would not buy the laptop. You should advise him that newer applications require more processing power and RAM, and basically if he wants to do anything more than what he plans on doing now, he will own a laptop that won't quite live up to his expectations.

  8. hi i would reccomend vista home premium i use it on my laptop and its ace. check out the site below. i would not recomend vista basic its not very good but you can do so much on home premium. anyway enjoy your new pc on which ever one you decide to get. hoped i helped mate

  9. I mean personally I don't like vista but it is easy to use, but if you don't have an anti-virus it is most likely you will get a virus. The only thing I like about Vista is the look of it. But Vista is one of the easiest operating systems out so I think you should go for it. But remember to get an anti-virus !!!

  10. When I bought my latest laptop, it was loaded with Vista Home Edition. It was difficult at first, as it is very different from previous Windows Operating systems. However,I am now very happy with the system. It is particularly good at suggesting solutions to problems, but you do have to get used to working with this aspect of the OS. The settings are sometimes difficult to find directly, but often the help facility will provide a link to take you to the settings you want. My advice is - be patient.  Michael.B (aged 71)

  11. Perfect for him.

  12. Windows is not a good operating system.

    Vista is the worst windows version ever.

    So the answer is "no really"!!!

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