
Is Windows Vista really any better that Windows XP?

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I've heard it isn't really as good as people expected, so I don't know whether I should bother getting it.




  1. If you use your computer professionally (especially for multimedia and graphics) then don't touch Vista with a barge-pole!!!

    I will not move from XP for my work as I prefer to have all my hardware working for me and not Uncle Billy Gates and his bullying company. Anyway. 90% of my professional working tools don't run on Vista..or if they do they are buggy.

    The best XP Pro so far is the latest..SP3. XP with a secondary Firewall, Anti-Virus and anti- Spyware programs etc is as safe as it gets. and the hackers and crackers are now targeting Vista big time. At the end of the day Vista is a just a Flashy desktop for people who only use the PC for surfing and email etc...which it does OK.

    I use a quadruple boot system for my main studio machine as I cannot afford downtime in the middle of projects. 2 x XP Pro, 1 x x64 bit XP Pro (for 3D work rendering etc) and 1 x Linux (Red Hat). It doesn't get any better on the PC platform. Leave Vista for the people who like to have the latest flashy things in life and then laugh at them when Uncle Billy goes in, takes control of their PC and nobbles their media Vista is one big lump of greedy Spyware...end of story.

    I hope that explains my views.


  2. I used to have Windows XP and it was fine. I now have two new computers both running Vista. I've never had any problems with Vista, and now that they have released Service Pack 1 it seems to be running even better.

  3. in my opinion windows xp is better. my sister has vista and its kinda of slow. and almost all my old games dont work. i would just wait until they come out with another service pack for vista until then im sticking to xp. besides theres programs to make xp look like vista.

  4. Vista is useless

    follow it

  5. Vista is very good - much simpler and pleasant to look at - and yes it is better than XP (which I also like) but I wouldn't recommend upgrading to Vista if you have XP on your system. Vista requires a higher spec computer. My advice is don't bother getting it until you have to buy a new PC.

  6. I've just had to have a new pc as my old one died. The new one came with Vista loaded and i had heard awful things about it.

    I can honestly say its caused me no problems at all. You very quickly get used to different screens.

    So i would say, based on that, that its no better or worse - just different.

  7. Vista is only better if you have the computer power to feed it.  64 bit and multiple cores is your best bet.  Also you can view the new options that are in Vista in the article below

  8. In my opinion, it has all the same bugs - they've just made it prettier and added some widgets.

    Plus some of my computer games won't run on it - e.g. Civ IV, released 2007.

  9. I think there are several problems stopping Vista from spreading right now, and I would consider them before moving ahead:

    1- Vista was supposed to bring a whole new dimension to the OS. The WinFS they kept talking about for years, how it will treat storage as relational database and all. Eventually, it was stripped out of it and other many promised great features. In  nutshell, the Vista you have is not what Microsoft really hoped for. Some Fancy interface, improved search feature OK, but the WinFS was kind of what Vista means.

    2- Resource hungry: As others said, it is a beast feeding on computer resources. Even new computers tagged as Vista ready had problems supporting the rich version of Vista, which is bringing big complains from public.

    3- Support and drivers: Up till now, I hear about how Vista lacks good drivers, does not suppot as good as old ones, or how many softwares don't run well on Vista. Is it Microsoft fault or not? This would depend on each case. In the end, the support is a problem you as a user have to deal with.

  10. No couldn't get on with vista so went back to xp much happier

  11. You need a good computer to run Vista, the new dual/ quad type are the best for running it.  If your computer is 2 years old or more then it,s better to upgrade it, or stay with X.P.

  12. It's getting better but XP is fine, they're still ironing out the niggling little problems with Vista.

  13. I recommend you don't and save that useful money for Windows Vienna, which should come some time from 2009 to 2010.  

  14. Saying that Windows Vista is better than XP is like saying that mud is better than dirt. The new "mud" is new and moist, but it still smells and fertilizes a bed of viruses and spyware.

    Windows XP is a security and stability nightmare. Windows Vista is an ease of use and system resources nightmare.

    At the end of the day, they're both nightmares.

  15. It's simply a matter of choice which one a person uses. Both now have service pack 3 available and it seems to resolve some of the issues people are concerned with.

    Vista tends to do weird stuff unexpectedly and make things disappear some where on the drive. I have never found over 1gb of files I had on Vista. You really need to tweak some of the system to make it enjoyable, but it does it's job.

  16. i heard its awful! vista takes up too much memory!!

  17. Vista IS better then XP ...

    But the major problem of vista, it lags to much, even just run it...

    i've tryed vista myself.. and it's good...

    My bro has vista, and his comp is super fast, "64-bit, 3GB, etc.."

    and it gives off a bit of lag sometimes.. and kinda hard to play, some games..

    Overal.. XP is better... i reckon get vista later, when the comps r heaps better..  

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