
Is World War III going to to kick off?

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With all these troubles in Georgia, will world war 3 kick off?




  1. Don't know and am hopeful not, but with a certain country test-firing a missile, which it is claimed, has the ability to get through defence shields and with George leaving in a short time, I can almost feel the door to a refrigerated war-room opening (cold-war), as a pre-cursor.

  2. If we can make it to inauguration day in January, 09 when Obama is sworn is as our President we won’t have to worry any longer about unnecessary and illegal wars but the Chicken Hawk Bush is libel to do anything up to that time.

  3. What for you Georgia? You live in other hemisphere of Earth. Engaged there in  your businesses, not climb in stranger problems and then World War III will come never.

    Maybe, do you think that your concept of justice costs life of all humanity?

    You will ask all peoples of Earth. What are dearer for them - american values or their life and life of their children?

  4. I don't know, but events are somewhat silimar to the goings on before World War 1.  

  5. Just an opinion; but if McCain Wins then YES!!! He is a war-monger, who is very old skool, and paranoid and believe everyone is after America.  Hopefully not, we really need to promote peace in the world.  Religiously if you know anything about Revelation; then World War 3 would NOT be a good thing.

  6. Good question....

  7. Nobody knows.... but where will you be? WORLD WAR 3 MEANS ANOTHER DRAFT......  

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