is this website where you pay to compete in "skill-based" games. That's the loophole, because, it technically isn't gambling if the outcome of the competition is determined by your skill.
Still, I am in the red. My fees paid (for all games, both won and lost) exceeds my winnings by over twelve hundred dollars.
Yet, as required by law, worldwinner reported that I had winnings of $4,776.28. But, the money I spent COMPETING in those tourneys is just shy of six grand.
Yet - I am told that I must file a 1099m (misc.) for the winnings, and that I CANNOT file a 1099g (gambling losses) because, it is "technically" not gambling.
But, how can my "winnings" be reported as such without counting the money spent playing??
Well, I tried to to my taxes today, but this is a problem. I'm visitng an IRS office tomorrow.
The w'winners csm was pretty condescending when I called. I felt like I was ordering a big mac! No, wait - flipping it!
Class action, anyone?