
Is XXI Century Entertainment a scam?

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Please answer. I signed up for it, but I'm not sure about it. I've heard good things and bad things about this industry and I need help! BTW, John Casablanca and Model Productions is a TOTAL scam! So, I'm not sure about this one.




  1.  Yep took my money and that was it . The lady was very nice at first but after I paid my money she would not respond back to my emails . To this day I still don't even use those head shots it was all a huge waste and the actors that they use for advertising are all outdated information 

  2.  Im in the XXi and i will tell you it IS NOT A SCAM

  3. No it is not a scam, My cusin is actor and thats how he got found so trust them! they dont scam!


  4. Yes, there are always rumors about any given prestigious name. Some times these rumors lead to real facts and at times just ends as started.
    So XXI Century Entertainment is not a Scam, but still it could be possible that the companies who are sub attached with it might be Scam. So you better be watchful about those companies and make as much research as you possibly could before entering.

  5. NO,NO,NO DONT DO IT.  xxi century entertainment is not a company I will want anybody to go through. Yes at first you think its good but when you pay you money and see the other side.  NOT NICE.  The agencys that come are legit but out of 90-100 clients maybe 10-15??? get chosen for the $$$$ that is paid everybody needs to walk out with a agent.  The same agency's that go there for the showcase ummmmmmm is the same one's you can submit your children yourself.  Just look up the agengcy and submit. Get them a resume and headshot and submit yourself.  paying all that money is not is not worth it.  there communication sucks.  yes i went through them and it was not good.  if you do decide dont do hollywood or get pics done from them.  ga is about to be the next hollywood and agents come here for talent.  IF YOU WANT YOU CHILD TO BE SEEN SUBMIT THEM YOURSELF LOOK ONLINE AND   CHECK OUT AUDITION.  GO TO NOWCASTING, ACTOR ACCESS, LOVE2ACT.  OR EVEN GOOGLE.  DONT GO DO XXI CENTURY ENTERTAINMENT. Also take classes because these agents want to see it on the resume. take on-camera, impro, theater.   when i went throught the company they didnt say anything about the classes.  I learned after the showcase was over and my child had already  been in front of the agents.    BE BLESS

  6. xxi isn't a scam that's for sure ,but do they ask for money?

  7. XXI Century is a scam, be aware of these folks who call themselves christian...they prey on parents who love their children and want them to succeed! DO NOT give them money in advance, they will rip you off and disappear. AGAIN there is nothing like "Talent Scouts", they are all scammers....XXI is the TOP! SCAM ARTISTS!

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