
Is Xanadu a Good Movie?

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Is Xanadu a good movie? Synopsis please?




  1. aurguably one  of  the all time worst movies of all time

  2. It's a musical about a girl who can bring dreams to life or something. It's very confusing, and not a movie that should be watched unless inebriated

  3. I'll answer it this way:

    Rita Hayworth(Gilda)made a film about a Muse who comes to earth to change a musical that presents her as a hip swinging trollop. It's called,appropriately,"Down To Earth" and she's wonderful in it(her dancing is a thing to behold and her beauty was at it's peak).Olivia Newton-John was decidedly NOT Rita Hayworth and it shows in this piece of dreck that somehow actually made it to Broadway!?!?


  4. No, it's terrible, but in a very amusing way. I just watched that again about a week ago. The music is awesome. The film itself is laughably bad. Even so, it's the kind of movie that is "so bad it's good."

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