
Is Y! Answers run by question deleting free speech Censors?

by  |  earlier

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They deleted a completly benign question from the hunting section. What's wrong with you people?




  1. Bush is still running things at this point in time

  2. yes, there are n***s among those reporting us, but all it takes is one idiot who doesn't like what they read.  Yahoo lacks the resources to oversee this function so it's left to the democratic process.  IMO liberals and/or democratsdon't have this market cornered - it's wide open to anyone with an itchy trigger finger.

  3. There is only one way to test that theory, ask as many pro Obama questions as possible then Pro McCain questions and see how many gets deleted. I'm pretty sure if your experiment yield the intended results, the media would love to expose Yahoo answers for what they really are.

  4. Yes they are not even pretending to be fair anymore It's a good sign

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