
Is YAHOO! censuring questions on CHINA because they are in Business Agreement with them??

by  |  earlier

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I have asked the question: Should we boycott the China Olympics?

Afterwhich receiving 35 answers, then question removed for Violation. WHAT violation? I gave the links to the crimes against humanity to substantiate my question as to why? Not vile or using expletives. Of course there are the baulking pro-China in denial crowd who will launch objections. Do you think this is simply because Yahoo! protects it's business interests with China on the internet?? They gave no reason other than they can remove content at any time for any reason. Sounds very much like China itself to me. Your thoughts? Below is the e-mail I received just now & my reply which was returned MailerDam:

Deleted Question: SHOULD WE boycott the CHINA Olympics??=20

Question Details:=20

Violation Reason:Community Guidelines and/or Terms Of Service Violation

Yahoo! Answers is a service provided to all of our Yahoo! users and we reserve

the right to remove your content at any time for any reason.

My Reply: You have NOT given/described any REASON for deleting my question. WHAT is the Violation? Simply because you deem it in Violation? I have read the Community Guidlines. There is NO VIOLATION, what is your reason, please be specific as I am perplexed. I am asking a VALID question on if we should BOYCOTT the CHINA OLYMPICS. HOW IS THIS A VIOLATION?? I should like to know if the truth of their VIOLATIONS to Humanity and our environment is just too politically inconvenient for Yahoo!?? Is the a forum ONLY for happy friendly subjects about Countries you are doing business with? Is my question in conflict with your Business Interests? Your reply would be appreciated.





  1. this has nothing to do with yahoo. people just saw your question and reported it. which is what i did.

  2. I saw this the other day if I recall you added I whole lot of add details which you have missed out on here.

    It sounded like you where ranting and some of it to me was using objectionable speech which are VIOLATIONS.

    At the moment it does sound like you are ranting as well so don't be surprised that this question gets deleted as well.

    There is an email to apeel but off hand I don't know you will have to search for it yourself.

  3. Absolutely none of us can access Yahoo today !!!  And the Chinese Govt has a spy just for you !!!!!!!! You're famous in China !!!

    Dont ever think it was because other people on here found your question offensive and containing false information and rants.  NO it was the Chinese !! Look out your window for a florist van then DUCK

  4. Censorship is part of the everyday life of the Chinese.  People report on their neighbors and even their relatives.  When you've heard that your friend is now in prison because someone trying to achieving Political favoritism from the local official by backstabbing a suspicious activity, it's enough to make you fear just the thought of talking to a friend about deposing this tyrannical Government. Having informants everywhere works.  

    Unfortunately, this is why it would be futile trying to explain to those who have been conditioned/brain-washed that making efforts to remove a question simply because you disagree with it is exemplifying the intolerance expressed by their own Government.

    Yes, Yahoo! has had conflict of interest issues.  They've made public statements that they no longer allow China Gov. to monitor private info(they have said there are limitations).

    I've included some links/info to appeal the decision.  Sorry, Don't know what good will come of it.  Ya staunchly supportive of removals for questions adamantly opposed to one of their meal-tickets.

  5. ... OWNED!

  6. I think if you have enough people to report abuse on your question, it will get deleted.

    which I just did.

    this particular question should be posted on YA's Suggestion Board, where you can see why your questions were deleted, because a lot of people is getting FED UP about slurs and questions that don't belong in the corresponding category

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