
Is YOUR home in the 517,000 at risk & uninsurable? How can Govt satisfy insurers' demands? Is it a big con?

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517,000 'at risk homes uninsurable'

Press Assoc. - 11 minutes agoMore than half a million homes could become uninsurable unless the Government takes steps to protect them from flooding, insurers have warned.


The Association of British Insurers said the Environment Agency had identified 517,000 homes as being at a "significant risk" from flooding.

It warned that its members may not be able to continue to offer cover for them unless the Government ensures adequate flood defences are in place.

The trade association is calling on the Government to carry out a through assessment of the current flood risk, particularly focusing on the problem of flooding from drains.

The group said of the 180,000 flood insurance claims its members handled following last summer's flooding, half were floods that had been caused by water coming up through drains.

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  1. if the government insists on building more houses on flood plains then the inevitable is going to happen. Already insurers are picky who they pay out to, look at holiday insurance and often other insurances, i can see that people who live in these known to be flooding areas not get insurance at all.

  2. all right british dude, you need to cool it with the crazy\@$$ textbook answers and the neverending meaningless questions. What are you 68? Get a hobby, and stop pretending being a big shot producer, you're not. have a nice british day in rainy britain.

  3. I live on a hill so no.

  4. You're rather adept at cut and paste, aren't you.

  5. No, I don't live near a river nor was my house built on a flood plain, and that's the core of the problem. The Govt wants hundreds of thousands of new houses built, just one small problem, where? It used to be just brown field sites, now with the demand at an all time high, houses are being built just about everywhere.

    Now the flooding, events like Bocastle and other weather events force premiums up tenfold, as insurance companies don't like paying out. One possible solution is to have a mandatory protective insurance independantly regulated.

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