
Is Yahoo Answers Censoring Me?

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Why is it yahoo.answers is limiting the number of links in an answer? It never used to. I like to document my answers, but yahoo.answers makes this impossible.

Also, I am getting alot of errors stating yahoo.answers is taking a break when I post a particularly long answer. I can exit that question, go to another, and answer the other question within minutes of being denied on the previous long answer question. What gives? Are they censoring me, or are others experiencing the same poor service from Yahoo?




  1. I've been seeing those messages as well.  Looks like just another Yahell stuff up.

  2. Just remember a few things, Yahoo as a concept is based on creatures from Gulliver’s travels by Jonathan Swift.

    Yahoo is based in one of the most liberal sections of the state of California.

  3.       I searched yahoo answers " taking a break", and learned that answers has a problem with certain symbols. Plus sign and percent sign , for example. I changed my answers - spelled out "percent", and my answers went right thru.

  4. sounds like a personal problem to me.

  5. It's not just you. I discovered I had to break up an answer to get past the silliness that's going on while they're restructuring the Yahoo Answers site.

  6.   You, sir.,are correct! An answer that they consider a little too long will not be allowed to go through- they should just tell us up front, so we wont be wasting our time on their _(breathers) Also if the answer is short, but with a few racy words in it, the results will be the same as the long answer.

  7. OK, take a deep breath.  We all get those messages.  They go out automatically whenever the system gets backed up.  Sometimes they pass very quickly, sometimes it takes a little longer.  I got two in the last couple of minutes.

    Keep in mind that Yahoo is providing this service to you for free.  It's hardly like you're paying them to attend to your needs.  Be a little patient.

    It is possible that other users are violating you if you let your temper get the better of you.  Calm down a little.  It's all for fun.

  8. I don't think so.

    They've been doing a lot of work lately, changing some formats, etc.  I too have been frustrated by the "taking a break" thing.

    I don't think it's the total number of links.  I think they sometimes block certain links.  For (just one) example, sometimes I can't get an answer through unless I delete the wikipedia link.  Just sometimes.

    You use predetermined answers to answer the question, when people are posting the same question over and over?  People rake me over the coals for doing that.  By the way, it's the right thing to do.  If the question doesn't change, why should the answer?

  9. I think Yahoo is just unreliable.

    I've had questions deleted though as obvioulsy people have objected to their sentiments.  

    And Bob, you are like a broken record.  You must be the only person in the forum who thinks that a retired vice admiral making a pitch to congress for increased military funding is compelling evidence of AGW.

  10. Well, i guess they are then...............

  11. Yahoo to say the least is unstable,unreasonable ,at times senseless.

    but sometimes a bug in a link can cause it to fail going through

    apart from that a lot of yahoers,both running it and using it

    are bordering on schizophrenia,and that is putting it mildly

    and I agree with Bob ,if we are asked 1000 times ,Is global Warming real ?

    It is hard to remain original

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