
Is Yahoo Answers full of Right-Wing Nutjobs?

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  1. I'm pretty sure there are lot of different viewpoints represented here.

  2. No I think most of yahoo consists of Benedict Arnolds LOL Democrats

  3. not as much as the left wing screwballs

    LOL Democrats

  4. Yes, most republicans suck up to the internet because they get bashed in real life.

    They dont want to face the truth, they just want god d**n WAR BABY! Coz you know why? Coz America fu.ckin rules this world!

    (note: typical republican thinking).

    Ive noticed Republicans are most active online during the day and night. Democrats in the Afternoon.

    You will also notice how I get voted down dramatically by republicans as now its daytime/afternoon

  5. No, they prefer themselves to be called "Conservative Independents"

  6. If you remove the adjective "right-wing" from your question, then yes, yes it is, but we're not all right-wingers.

  7. You bet. But there is a good share of bleeding heart hypocrites, too.

  8. No, just very passionate political posters from the left, center, and right.

  9. We are here and we are proud.

  10. It is pretty nutty to want to invest your known money for retirement vs. having the government take it because they don't think you are competent enough to invest it yourself.  

    So if you think you can't invest for yourself, hate government yet want government hand-outs and government running portions of your life your choice is simple.  Remember why our fore-fathers came here in the first place.  To escape government's control over their lives.

  11. Have you looked at Y!A lately...there's plenty of Psycho Lefties posting too.  Don't drink their kool-aide, you'll turn into an Obamabot.

  12. The internet in general provides a platform for a variety of nutjobs.  The internet is a place they can voice their desperate opinions in a world that otherwise doesn't care for their opinions.

    In as much as this is a section that mostly deals with US elections, you are going to find a lot of crazy political types whose short-circuited thinking processes and stunted emotional maturity have managed to marginalize them to the fringe of the social norm.

  13. Your new here, aren't you?

    This is a haven for wing nuts.

  14. What is the difference between a right wing nut job and a bleeding heart liberal? Answer: You know where the nutjob stands. Not ONCE did anyone at the DNC say "We are for a woman's right to choose abortion right up to the last second of birth" Why? Not once did they say "We want all references of God removed from all public arenas" Why? Not once "We want people of the same s*x to be able to marry each other" Why? Not once did they say "We want men who wear women's clothing to be able to get a job at the local church or have the ability to sue them for discrimination" Why? The truth is...they CANNOT win with the TRUTH about what they believe. All I ask is this...SAY what you believe - say it! I would like to see a "bleeding heart liberal" on this forum acknowledge their platform. Then let's put a vote to the American people. You start listening to the news instead of to what you want to hear - when the DNC is willing to honestly speak their platform on a news broadcast then you can complain about right wingers. You are about secrecy, hiding the truth, and winning through deception. There is your best answer...

  15. about 1/4  the other half are left wing nut jobs and the last quarter are just regular nut jobs.

  16. no there are an equal number of left wing nut jobs.

  17. Well of course, just do a count of the last 20.

    They are mostly Right Wing.

    They are mostly 'nut' jobs in the sense that they just say stupid things without evidence, reason or even bothering to lie about it. Half of what they say is non-falsifiable, the other half so easily falsified that I feel embarrassed for them.

    You think that the Republican party would pay more than the minimum wage and get more intelligent answers, like the ones that do their web page.

  18. no, just not falling for the talk and build up of Obama

  19. is tihs the product of our education systyem?


  20. if by that you mean patriotic God fearing, traditional Americans with

    moral values, then guilty as charged!

  21. no it "s more full with loser democRAT trairtors  

  22. Absolutely, you would think that they were leading the polls.

  23. White trash with disabilities that do nothing except shop at Stater Bros. and be accepted on Y!A. Liberals that try to be smart. Republicans that pull an "experience" card every time McCain is questioned. Liberals that "hate war" but at the same time support Obama who wants to continue war-mongering.

    It's just full of nutjobs from everywhere.

    Take me for instance:

    How many John McCains does it take to s***w in a lightbulb?

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