
Is Yahoo Answers needing overhauled?

by  |  earlier

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We have a violation scheme that is out of control. Multiople accounts aer v ictimising peopel on here and having perfectly good questions and answers deleted for sheer badness. Yahoo does nothing. Appeal against it and nothing happens. You get a computer generated reply telling you tghat you were wrong. Yahoo has the technology to limit one account to one computer, also when a question is violated the violators should be made known to the person asking the question. To violate a question, remove the options box, the violator must put forward a cogent and reasonable argument for the question being deleted. Finally if yahoo spent as much effort eradicating the cyber bullies from Answers as it does withdrawing questions/answers that have been targeted by the bullies, then Answerrs would actually be a grweat site instead of the okay site it is at present.




  1. I sent this email to Yahoo yesterday ...................................

    Good afternoon to you, I believe that I may have a simple and very effective solution to the reporting frenzy that is permeating Yahoo Q&A.

    When a question or answer is reported, then the option to report that same Q or A is removed ........ if that option were to be extended to the IP address, then a member / user could only report once on each Q or A irrespective of how many accounts they may have. I am fully aware that if there are more computers available then the system could be circumvented, but that would only be involved in a small number of cases.

    It is fairly obvious that some members are using multiple accounts to 'target' other members (myself being targeted big style) accounts with the express intention of having them suspended.

    By adopting such a system it would also massively reduce the workload on Yahoo staff who have to deal with violations on a daily basis, a reduction in the number of violations would also reduce the number of appeals, once again reducing the workload on the Yahoo team, in fact a double whammy and as a bye product, fewer suspensions.

    As it would not alter the TOS or the Guidelines a change of this nature would not even have to be publicised, now that would come as a shock to the offenders!

    I trust that you find this of interest and even helpful, either way I would like to hear your views on the matter.

    If I can be of further assistance to you in this matter please do not hesitate to contact me.

    kindest regards, ...... Michael

  2. Teddy has answered exactly the way I think. The certain few on here have particularly changed Current Events. They can smirk all they like and feel glad they have turned a site in to a chatroom. Those really interested in Current Events can partiipate on many other similar  sites so suppose it's not too important but at the end of the day they have achieved a great big N O T H I N G except talk within themselves. I like to come on now and again just to check the same idiots are still here.........and they are !!!

  3. Absolutely right

  4. This site is filled with grandmothers and Zionists-- say anything bad about israel and you will be deleted. There are no appeals-- there is a jewish grandmother watching what you may say.

  5. I would like to take this opportunity to remind that the good people at yahoo offer you a spell check of your very own...

  6. For once I agree with you.

  7. The computer is never wrong, all these report thing and no reply but the usual your wrong we are right. Terminator  it is all like now we have a computer deciding what is a question or an answer.

    Computers do not know what a question is really and sure do not understand irony either. in fact it seems the safest thing to do around here is write Yes or No and you won't get the violation for not been a question or answer.

  8. Well said and totally agree-maybe with a takeover it will be run better!

  9. yeah,,i agree.

  10. You're right but they aren't interested - probably an overseas underpaid crew who don't give a d**n!

  11. you are so so right, start a petition.....I will sign it!

  12. What do you think of my new hairstyle?

    That should be banned.

  13. yes, badly so.

  14. yes.i think that "tongue in cheek" answers are seen with a bad eye.i think this rating system is a censureship.i mean,do you take a person whom u don.t know seriously?is "yahoo answers" the next reference?is it a bible on the writing?

  15. what i find more irritating is the stupid so called questions that get put in the current affairs, news categories. Many just seemingly having a chat, about absolutely nothing at all. I look at this section first wondering what news, information someone might have posted, interesting or informative, but what do you find a load of trolls having a banter.

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