
Is Yahoo answers Responsible for Questions Like this(in cricket section) ??

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  1. No Yahoo is not, I guess its spam time for him . LOL

  2. Yahoo is not responsible for some people's mistake!

  3. it would be the person cos its there choice to put that much info on there

    but then again, anyone putting that much info on here obviously lacks something up top

  4. i dont know what to say about this

  5. lol that was funny

    yahoo and some dumb people are responsible lol

  6. NO

  7. Yes.

    Yahoo accepts non-category related questions & display them in open.Yahoo needs to use it brains at first.

  8. Yahoo provides the forum, the yahoo user is to blame for such poor wording and lack of English speaking skills.

  9. I suppose they are, after all they are the moderators. But looking at it from this persons point of view, he/she obviously is from a non-English speaking country & we can't expect perfect English from everyone.(Some English speaking people don't even handle the language too well!) lol . Maybe it was in the wrong section, but it doesn't hurt to overlook these things at times.

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