
Is Yahoo bias against McCain supporters?

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I have posted several question about Obama, none of them had curse words or anything remotely to it. They were questions, and yet Yahoo had them removed. One posting asked "why are Democrats backstabbers" I was pointing out the both Hillary and Biden both said that Obama wasn't ready to run this county and that McCain was, but yet change their mind about it at the DNC this pass week. And I asked why Democrats were backstabbing each other? What happen to freedom of speech? I received several good response, But Yahoo said that I was in violation of the community guidelines. I don't see how? If I was in violation for ask such a question, then there is alot of posting on here that they should be taking a closer look at too and stop judging my posting.




  1. I think that they dont want anyone to show spirit for either candidate. its one of those federal law things. Dont worry about it u did nothing wrong.

  2. Antagonistic question seem to get deleted

  3. Yes, they are biased against McCain, and well they should be!

    You see, it balances out. Walnuts has Fox News and the rest of the Right Wing Attack Machine and all Berry has is the rest of the media.

    This latest clever stunt by McCain to truncate the convention so we won't be reminded that the Bush Administration is in the same party as he is can only be called true Genius.

    Also applaudable is the equally clever "Alaska diversion". Not since "54-40 Or  Fight" and "Seward's Folly" has so much unnecessary attention been placed on this political cipher of a state and a candidate.

  4. Actually, I think Yahoo is very fair.  They've always allowed my obnoxious pro-conservative questions.  I've seen many pro-liberal ones too.

  5. No they are not. I had a , shall we call it anti Democrat, question removed and after 2 appeals it was restored. It really depends on the people who report it because they didn't like it. is it in violation, and of course who reads the appeal. I do believe some of the Yahoo Answers team sometimes allow personal feelings to get in the way. Or maybe they are human and just make mistakes. At any rate they restored mine.

  6. Report monkeys abound.  They are on both sides and kill accounts.

  7. Yes sir very much.I have tested the waters.Seen a question about dems being On welfare and jobless.I clicked the Link and it was deleted.

    So i post the same question but I used reps instead of Dems.Guess what? it is still going.I guess i proved my point. Fad f proves it even more.His remark will stay,But if I said that about Obama.My answer would get deleted rather quickly.

  8. Generally, Yahoo doesn't remove your questions/answers... other users do by reporting the post.  

    This is a free site that you use voluntarily.  If you don't like the way its working out, you're free to stop using it.  I don't know why so many seem not to get this simple fact.

  9. No, they know he is just Bush.

  10. No

  11. They are biases,  just like they were biased toward Hillary supporters.  What they do not realize is that this bias only makes us more determined.

  12. yep they are..they were slamming mccain yesterday on a yahoo front page .....never seen one against obama have you..the sides of my computer are lined with mr obama traitors face..wonder why this is? other sites show you know its not because he isnt advertising....

  13. just keep the rules. *shrugs*

    Most people are biased against McCain... they think he'll be another George Bush (which isn't bad...) but he's not at all

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