
Is Yahoo biased toward the Republican Party?

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If not, why does my spellchecker in Answers tell me Obama is a mistake, but McCain is OK?

There, see, it's just done it again!




  1. NO WAY.

  2. YES!

  3. I think so, probably because of the owners of the company and its affiliates, so many liberal questions get canned and abused, but no pro-choice or pro-gun ones do.  

  4. Nope, they just want the money

  5. No I think they swing more left. Obama is not a common name neither is Palin it does not recognize that one neither , but l know when l get openly opinionated they sometimes bump my answers.  

  6. obama isn't part of the english language yet.thank him,he voted against it!

  7. uh no just Obama it a very uncommon name and mcCain is common

    go obama/biden

  8. The dictionary used by Yahoo does not include every name and word in the vocabulary.It doesn't recognize weird names, only real ones.

  9. I think Yahoo is a Barr supporter.

  10. Good point

  11. My spellchecker does the same:  Obama  should be ABM or IBM

    or AMA.

    From now on I'll refer to him as ABM-IBM-AMA  

  12. Obama




    Holy c**p!!!! This should be brought to attention at once. The safety of our country depends on it!

  13. It's not being biased towards Republicans, I have used the spell check and have gotten some strange, very strange, suggestions.  

    Maybe you should ask Yahoo this question.

    And yet, Democrats wonder why they get called crybabies and other names?

  14. well i don't know about yahoo, but i'm biased!!

    McCain all the way!

  15. i don't know...

  16. YES

  17. drat i was going to say what you said for my answer. And let's not forget biden, they spell check that too. The right doesn't whine as much about yahoos preference anymore. And of course, one could argue yahoo is fair and balanced, but that doesn't explain why yahoo---knowing about the problem--- refuses to fix it. That is proof positive they're biased.

  18. No. Thanks for the laugh. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to know that Obama is not a standard English word. If you don't believe me type Palin and see what happens.

  19. Why do you guys try and find every way you can to blame someone or something about being biased, and alot of you keep playing the African American card. Well I have news guys we dont live in the 50's so stop trying to use the "your racist" card.

  20. If anything I think Y!A leans more toward the left, McCain is simply a more common name than Obama.  

  21. The same can be said for the olmypics and paralympics, Yahoo corrects olympics to Olmypics and doesn't recognise paralympics.

    Does this bother me? No.

    Its yahoo, not some crazy political group.

  22. Study Yahoo's choice of headlines for a month.  Really study them deeply.  See which ones make it to the list at all, then take a hard look at which ones linger the longest.  Then come back and ask me that question again.

  23. I noticed that too, but I think its because McCain is a more common name than Obama and it hasn't been added to the database yet.

  24. is there any rule that says it must be impartial? Lots of well meaning people are biased and they don't even realise it.

  25. You'd think Yahoo would fix their spell checker. LOL is another one that keeps getting tripped up.

  26. No those are clearly facts.  Obama is a mistake and McCain is correct.

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