
Is Yahoo sending out subliminal messages on our profile pages?

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Is Yahoo sending out subliminal messages on our profile pages?




  1. It's quite possible. I mean those things are everywhere. You gotta really watch for them.

  2. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.  

  3. I doubt that anyone at yahoo even knows what subliminal means!

  4. yeah, the same thing i'm doing to wait, thats not right!!! i'm too direct.

  5. I believe so, I had to go on here twice today, whats up with that

    lol   : )

  6. Maybe

  7. That is why I have been so good! I will not read their messages ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. If they are is it working for you?

  9. No, but they aggravate the heck out of me.Yahoo and their coffee breaks, yahoo this, yahoo that, aw cmon microsoft buy yahoo out, and we'll be done with them. Now  did you notice how I used a subliminal message their.Have a good night buddy.

  10. Could very well be, what with all the underhanded things that go on these days, but I doubt it. But if they are, I would love to know what they are saying - is it about me, good or bad, or are they trying to sell something, who knows, but since you asked the question I am sure that someone is now going to look into the possibility.  I remember when the movie, Picnic, first came out, they had subliminal messages telling us to eat popcorn in order to increase the sales of same. Then later they made a horror movie with used subliminal words and objects to make it more scary.But if I'm not mistaken, it's against the law to use subliminal messaging - not that it worked that well anyway. But subliminal messages are often used in photo print advertising,

  11. no


    Neither am i !!!  

  12. I don't know, I just look at what I'm looking for.

  13. Sure Enough...!!

  14. yes.. telling me to kill you as soon as you ask this question

  15. maybe...............................

  16. well, either i'm too dense for it to work or it's worked and they don't want me to know. (hence the subliminal right)  

  17. Interesting fact - Mark Mothersbaugh has copped to putting subliminal messages in commercials.  Usually they are a message that is the opposite of what is being advertised.  An ad for gummi savers had a subliminal voice saying "sugar will rot your teeth," a cosmetics commercial had one saying "biology is destiny," a BMW ad had a voice saying "avoid conspicuous consumption."  

    Most research has shown that subliminal messaging or subthreshold effects have little impact.

    Anyway - to answer your question, no.  I think the messages they send are pretty liminal.

  18. Huh, what are you

                   ............................Winston's taste good, like a cigarette...

    nuts?............................Lucky Strikes means fine tobacc....

    I don't believe in..................Drink Coke...your p***s will grow...

    that sort of stuff.

    Why would..........................We must...We must..we must

    they do such a thing???

    ......................................... to bed, Gramma, you're not helping.

    Helping what?  Did you say something...I've got to go out for a cig...

    See you later!.

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