
Is Yaz a good birth control?

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I'm thinking about starting on Yaz. My PMS-ing is AWFUL! I'm a *****, and I just get really down and depressed. I also am starting to break out, well it's not really break outs because I've never had acne. But, I've had some bumps and stuff. I'm ALWAYS tired, that could be from cheerleading and school though. But I just need something to treat PMS and I'd like to know if Yaz is really a good birth control to do that. HELP!




  1. i like yaz. i'm starting my 2nd pack and i haven't had any bad side effects. it has actually some what helped out with my cramps and pms but if it's not working for you maybe you should talk to your doctor.

  2. I'm currently taking yasmin, yaz's little sister. I've tried yaz, but I prefer yamsin because its better for clearing breakouts. It also makes you less moody and it gives you shorter, lighter periods.  

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