
Is Your Neighborhood Starbucks Closing? What Can We Do?

by Guest62044  |  earlier

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I was in total shock to learn that the Starbukcs in my neighborhood was on the list of 600. I reside in a city of about 200,000 and we have quite a few Starbucks around town, yet our very own was not spared. I just made a site taking a poll on who's being affected and how they feel. I'm interested in your feedback about the possibility of voicing all of our concerns to the Starbucks headquarters to see if they maybe reconsider. never know until you try.




  1. rest assured i have learned that a Starbucks will be opening inside the Starbucks that is closing in your hood it is the weirdest thing ever.

  2. Celebrate! I WISH some of the Starbucks around here would close - they keep opening new ones, killing smaller, non-chain shops that used to thrive in our area :(  Can't seem to find a good cup of coffee anymore unless I go to a small roastery near my place and make the coffee at home.

  3. the only good thing about starbucks is you can spend the whole day in there and only buy one drink or meal while you sit and chat forever or do your work. I personally think there are way to many in my area there are like 15 give or take and in walking distance.

  4. Hey, it's not the end of the world.  I prefer Peets coffee anyway, except for an occasional coffee frappachino  And there are plenty of Starbucks around, so it may be time for you to expand your horizon.  For your info:  Starbucks was started by an ex Peets employee!

  5. Hey, it's not the end of the World, yet... Something else will replace the closing stores. I believe there is now time for some competition ...

  6. No, it isn't but except for the Maple Scones and their Passion Iced tea, I seldom go to Starbucks.

    Sorry your favorite place is closing but I think the company is trying to survive. I hope they do.   With the decline of the middle class, you probably have noticed the decline of many of our favorite stores.

    The two Starbucks in our town are under performing  because of location -- there aren't enough coffee drinkers who hang out in those neighborhoods.  They can't depend only on tourists.  They need the people who live and work in an area to patronize them.  Repeat customers are important.

  7. You can contact the company, but since you have several in your town the one nearest you must not be profitable, and that is the name of the game.  They figure that if you like it enough, you will drive the distance to obtain it.  I have never gone to one, and so I won't miss them.

  8. y be so concerned about a multi-million dollar business closing some stores becuz they're not generating enough money? thats' crazy. y would they stay open if it's not profitable for them? go buy more of their products(enough for them to realize the profits they need). up your own coffeeshop and stay open despite it not making enough money. Yep.. that should do it.

  9. i dont think we can do anything! im concerned also i mean are economy is no joke right now many things are going on right now but i love strbucks i dont kno about those h8ters above me lol! but yea i agree with you!=] [once starbucks closes down you kno somethings wrong haha]

  10. What is the deal with you and being in a protest group just because a little coffee shop near you is closing?

    Is that all in life that you do? Protest because of silly little things?

    I can let you know Starbucks is doing this because those stores have no profit and the company needs to. You can do nothing at all about it because they are all company owned stores.

    You also seem as Starbucks is the only coffee you can get.

    Well its probably not considering there are cheaper, healthier and tastier coffees out their than your usually expensive and extremely caloried Starbucks.

    How people feel is that they shouldn't care.

    When Starbucks wasn't around them, they probably didn't complain because they where drinking other coffee that was better and use that old coffee as an excuse to complain about Starbucks closing.

    I find it extremely sad you do these things as well as other people as you waste your time over something completely useless.

  11. Who cares about star bucks , the coffee that you buy at the store is way better anyways. Spending what 4 bucks on coffee that's alot. You wanna know 600 star bucks are closing is because people already figured out that star bucks is starsucks ahaa,  

    Ps  You are a loser

  12. here is an idea why don't you make your own coffee at home and stop paying 5 bucks for a single cup of coffee. do you know how much money you could save? h**l put it in a retirement fund and do something useful with it instead of wasting it on a ridiculous consumer status symbol

  13. You pansy bastar.d What you need is my foot shoved so deep up your@*** that you'll be forgetting about this bsh!t place once and for all. There's a WAR going on and our troops are dying and you're f@ggot self is worried about some stupid coffee. I hope to god the draft is reinstated so that pansies like you would be sent to war and get killed!

  14. In my area, which is Las Vegas, they are NOT closing, they are opening up everywhere. I have seen two across the street from each other, and i swear to god i saw like three in one mall.

  15. Todd Wilbur the recipe cloner cloned the only the reason I go to Starbucks The Caramel Macchiato  

    I do luv my Starbucks but the company got over confident & didn't plan for an economic downturn

    Atleast Starbucks is still around  I pass by 3 for 4 stores on my way to work depending on which route I take I was quite disappointed when Krispy Kremes opened in Canada & then all but disappeared a few years later

  16. About 600 Starbucks are closing all over the USA country. There were many rebellions with Starbucks fans. You should start a patision and get a lot of signatures to keep a few Starbucks open in your neighborhood. I am not aware with any Starbucks closing in the Seattle area though.

  17. I love Starbucks, but I think things are only going to get worse for them.  They have to cut down the number of shops or they'll go bankrupt.

    As the price of gas and food goes up, people start looking for ways to cut day-to-day expenses.  They'll still go to Starbucks occasionally, but a lot of people will stop going every day on their way to work.

    I think the stores that are near "destination areas" (e.g. shopping destinations) will do okay, but the ones that rely heavily on daily commuters will suffer.

  18. it is not bad to deprive people of Starbucks. Starbucks actually has milk that is extremely bad for you and all their ingredients are substitutes for sugar and such..

  19. The thing about Starbucks is that they're such a large corporation that recently they started opening Starbucks that didn't need to be opened.

    Certainly that helps with how crowded each Starbucks is, but they also cannot just keep those Starbucks open.

    The best thing, in my opinion, is to continue to go to the Starbucks that are open, and eventually the business will keep getting better and better and then they'll be able to afford to reopen the Starbucks.

    I think the idea of having the website is a great idea, but the key isn't to boycotting a Starbucks (if anyone was considering the idea), but rather to maintain their business and empire.

    As for the reason your Starbucks wasn't spared, it's probably because there's one within eye of it. Such a thing happened with about 80% of the Starbucks closed in my area. It also probably wasn't a prime location, as Starbucks recently lowered it's standards for locations, and now they are dealing with the consequences.

  20. I understand your concern, but it's best to evaluate the situation by looking at the overall picture.

    The fact that so many Starbucks are closing is not really a cause for alarm. What's happening is an economic correction in response to the overexpansion that occured and put a Starbucks on every corner -- where they weren't really needed.

    In these times of economic retraction, people don't have the discretionary income to support all the stores.

    Another way to look at it is they're just "trimming the fat".

    Starbucks is still a very sound company, and I think a financially stable one.

  21. I hope the one near me closes.  I don't like Starbucks. seem really passionate about it and I hope that you are able to win a few hearts and minds and keep you starbucks open.  It may not be for me but it makes you happy so good for you.  Keep the fight alive.

  22. THANK GOD and look for some good coffee!  It is the most God awful bitter and strong coffee I have ever tasted!

    I have no idea why people like that stuff it is overpriced and burnt and bitter and way too strong.  

    Espresso is less bitter!

  23. Starbucks has brainwashed America into thinking that they are THE COFFEE.  They have sadly become the poor standard upon which American's judge all other coffee.  If you like 1D beans that are burnt, by all means please continue to pay rich people for their gross coffee.  

    Please support your local coffee shops instead.  It's the big businesses that are ruining the economy.  Find someone with fairly traded beans.  Support the farmers and their families.  PLEASE help our economy by NOT allowing corporate America to dictate what you do.

  24. Yes i know.  But I live in sacarmento they only close 80 starbucks in sacarmento.  There are like hundreds of starbucks in sacarmento so I still can drink starbucks passion tea or that black tea with 10 pumps.  I live near starbucks and it looks like starbucks is everywhere!

  25. I don't go to starbucks - I refuse to pay that much for a cup of coffee. I don't care how good everyone says it is.

    There are way too many starbucks and good riddance to those who are closing. In my town there must be at least 10 that I know of, probably more. They get nestled inside grocery stores and department stores I don' t go in. I wouldn't be surprised if there are over 20.

    I don't know what marketing genius was able to get it into people's heads that starbucks is a 'lifestyle' or community gathering place. It's a freaking over-priced coffee place. Unless you are employed by starbucks and losing your job, you really need to get a life.

    I wish I had the time on my hand or organize a group to protest the closures of an already way too many coffee shop.

  26. Those Starbucks are being closed for a reason.  They were categorized as "underperformers" meaning that the other coffee places had to carry their weight.  I think that the economy has spoken.  With gas at $4.00 a gallon, who would take that $4.00 and spend it on coffee?  Anyway, Starbucks (who would like to give the impression that they're sooooo caring of the entire world) is a company just like any other, and no company gets that big without some serious throat cutting.

  27. In response to you "save star bucks" rant... I would like you to be informed that starbucks is EVIL... They charged fire fighters 130$ for three cases of water during 9/11 which was being used to resesitate victims.... so ya .. starbucks can burn for all i care... Plus ... Tim Hortons and Dunken are WAY better

  28. OMG YOU POOR GIRL!!!! IM SO SORRY IM CRYING FOR YOU NOW :(. im so sorry for your loss and i hope u will stop being a pathetic "princess" because there are people in this world who would die for a sip of water but you...u neeeeed your starbux...why? because your pathetic

  29. I have 2 starbucks close to me. I mean to the left and right, if i walk its 15 minutes. Car drive is 5 minutes.

    Close the coffee shops!

    Get rid of the caffeine addiction!

  30. No great loss. Starbucks coffee is quite mediocre. See if you can get a local person to open a single-site coffee shop and it will be lots better. Peet's makes good coffee, and it's a small chain.

    (I sold my Starbucks stock about a year ago.)

  31. Financial downturns and loss of popularity are the driving force behind any closure. There is little a consumer can to to improve the sales of a store destined to close since it is a "moneypit" and not producing the revenue needed to keep it running. On the upside Starbucks brand coffee is available at most grocery stores and you can make your own at home. Good Luck!

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