
Is Zelda a good name for a baby girl?

by Guest60604  |  earlier

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it is the name of a video game character from a game called zelda the minish cap. People didnt like my chemistry or biology derived names so now I am thinking of video game character names




  1. How about Dump Master instead, you know, to carry on your legacy?

  2. You need to go get laid or something.

  3. Probably  not a good choice unless you want the child to have merciless teasing.

  4. You need to step out of your fantasy video game world and get a real life!

  5. Zelda is also from Zelda Twilight princess. I should know, that's all my friend L talks about!

  6. There is also this Zelda:

    I say go for it.

  7. It not a common name which is a good thing.  Personally, i like it.  IT means luck.

  8. nope she would be teased go for a PRETTY name not an ugly one

  9. Well, Zelda was a name before the video game. It's not bad, and by the time the child would be older none of the kids her age would know what Zelda is anyway. I prefer Zella over Zelda though.

  10. i hope you never have kids. or at least if you do i hope your wife always names them.

  11. dude no video game names...look for names on the internet but dont go for stupid names..well most arent stupid but still when she grows up ppl r gonna be like hey zelda isnt that from a video game and u will say yea why? and they would say well is it your favorite video games or sumthing? and you would say uh no I went for video game lame ...dude...

  12. I think p**p Master is a better name for a girl.

  13. Err no.Not in my opinion.

    It just reminds me of the game,and i hate the game,or of Sabrina the teenage witch.A witch? Not a good move.

  14. i kinda like it

  15. NO, it does not sound nice or feminine.  

  16. I don't like it at all.

  17. Yes its very good for a girl that will be picked on for life  

  18. absolutely NOT.

  19. i personally don't like that name, it sounds like a mid-evil name.think of some common names like amanda, ashley,amber, becca, briana, biance, carly, candice, catie ect.

  20. yuckkk....I don't like it at all, sorry.  It reminds me of Sabrina The Teenage Witch

  21. It's also the name of one of the aunts on Sabrina The Teenage Witch!!  

  22. no why would u name a girl after a video game that makes her sound like a boy... that is like telling ur kid that we thought u were going to be a boy but u came out as a girl so then she will think she had disappointed u!!!! you should call her a kute little girl like claire, mary, katie anything else but not ZELDA!!!!!

  23. Zelda doesn't come from the video game.

    It's an old name meaning "grey battle". Famous namesake was Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

  24. uggghhh, don't name her Princess Peach or Lara Croft either.

  25. Poor kid.

  26. Yeah, it's great for a video game character. It's a terrible name.

  27. oh h**l no dont name that baby zelda!!!

  28. for a real person no,a video game character yes..maybe u could name the baby something like megna

  29. no

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