
Is Zeno a good name for a child or is he doomed?

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My sister is pregnant and is wanting to name her child Zeno. I think the child will live a depressing life full of teasing and torture, but don't know if I should state my thoughts or let her name it what she wants.




  1. I'm all for unique names, but unfortunately I don't think the kid'll appreciate it . . .

  2. he will be doomed,yes you should try and tell her! good luck!

  3. He is doomed

  4. Doomed.

    Unless the child is like Matt Zeno Lastname or Debra Zeno Lastname.  That might not be too bad.

    But Zeno sounds like a Warrior Princess, some superhero in tights, or the Greek version of Goy.

  5. YIKES!!!  I would share your concerrns.  That is pretty bad.

  6. It's in the name zeNO! A definate  tough childhood!

  7. Tell her how bad it is.  That name is brutal.

  8. He's doomed.  

    Unless she spells it Xeno.  Then he'll be all right.

  9. sounds like a bingo game or something. tell her that it is ugly

  10. It's a terrible name.  The first thing  I thought was Zeno the Zero too.  I would tell her, that's part of picking a name, other people won't always like it.  Anyway, it's bad, REALLY bad!!

  11. How about a NO NO...

    The name Zeno sounds like an italian gangster wannabe...

    Try a name that is a name, not a nickname..  

  12. doomed

  13. .....................doomed  

  14. The poor kid will be teased his whole life. Tell your sister that in a nice way. Like maybe "I really don't think that's a very good choice, he will get teased all the time!" How about Zach?

  15. Zeno? I don't think its a bad name. She should name him what she wants. If he doesn't like it he can always use his middle name or a nickname like..Z? Depends. But don't just write what you want off cause everyone doesn't agree with you.

  16. doomed!!!!

    tell her!


  18. Zeno is a Zero! That's an awful name, he'll get picked on big time.

  19. doomed

    Did you know Zeno is an overpriced handhold pimple-reducer machine?

  20. It's fine.

    All kids get teased, with or without a name that you happen to think is weird.

    My name is Abigail, and most people think of that as a normal name, that a person won't get teased for. But it has the word "big" in it, and I used to get called Biggie. Another girl had the same name and everyone loved her.

    Kid's don't get teased because of their names, they get teased because their personality makes them a target. If I had been a jolly, carefree, laugh-it-off type of person, the other kids soon have gotten bored, just like they did with the other Abigail, and the kid named Archibald, who never got teased.

    It's stupid to not give a child a name that you love just because someone else is afraid it'll "doom" them.

    You should just let your sister name HER kid anything she wants. Give him a nickname if you don't like it, and maybe encourage her to give him a "normal" middle name.  

  21. dooooooooooooooooomed

  22. sorry the kids doomed

  23. Doomed!

  24. Tell her what you think. That kid will thank you! Maybe suggest she use it as a middle name, instead of a first. Or give her some other Z names like...




    That's all I can think of! lol

    I hope this helps!

  25. Awful.  

  26. YIKIS Zeno more like Zero sorry but try to tell her before she gives birth  or else


  28. I don't really like this name either, tell your sister to  please pick another, that name is just sounds like a dogs name

  29. He's doomed. That is an awful name.

  30. Zeno is exactly the same phonetically as Xeno (xenophobic). Someone who is xenophobic is strongly biased against foreigners like a homophobic hates g**s. So if she wants everyone to think she is racist, then by all means she should go ahead and name her child Zeno.

  31. That is a horrible name. Try to talk her into Zane if she wants a z name so badly.

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