
Is a 13 year old capable of getting a summer job ?

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I want to get a summer job but am only 13 and i really want to make some money during the summer. I'm thinking about becoming a caddy because I want to learn golf. Is there a way that I could work at this age. Please someone answer back.




  1. yes. look at camps or places that would be okay with hiring will however be limited on how much you could work

  2. not really..except for all da otha stuff lik yard work, baby sit..and all dat otha stff tht pple saii..m 13 i knoe wuz it lik to b in yo position..ima juss enjoy this summa nd then get a job next summa.. nd yea i wuz thinkin about being a caddy too..but az usual 13 year old kidz cnt get a job..

  3. Yes you can. I am honestly proud and surprised that you are so commited to this. I pray my child has the same drive.

    Look to your local churches and check out your golf course to see what programs it has to offer. Look to your school for help as well, when I was your age I got a job at the church nursery playing with the toddlers for 4 hours a day.

  4. Legally it depends on the state you live in. Go to your local golf courses and ask. Maybe they need someone to do simple things like pick up the baskets range balls come in or clean carts.

    You will probably get to play for free and use the range fopr practice.

    Do a good job, be courteous to the emplorer and customers and you'll be invited back next summer.

    Generally private courses have caddies so you might try asking.

    Good luck and keep a strong work effort. Your parents will be proud.

  5. No u can't! U have 2 b at least 14 2 work at certain food stores, they won't hire at 13!

    If u want 2 get some money, do babysitting, walk dogs, petsitting, or wash dogs in ur neighborhood 4 a reasonable price. Good luck!

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