
Is a 15" sub a lot louder and deeper than a 12" or is the difference barely noticeable?

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Is a 15" sub a lot louder and deeper than a 12" or is the difference barely noticeable?




  1. Youngngmul is full of c**p.

    There are far more missing parts to his answer.

    It depends on the T/S parameters of the sub in question.

    I know of some 12" that will outperform 15's or even 18's ( a true waste of money).


    Summer S has no clue that distortion is purley the responsibility of the amp, not the driver.

  2. Yes A 15'' Is Way Deeper! You Can Hear Stuff On A 15'' That You Cant Even Hear On A 13,12,10,8,Or 6'' Sub!

    P.S:18'' Subs Are Better

    ''Hope This Helped!''

  3. why would you want the distortion that both of them come with.  3 JL Audio 10 w6's with the right amps will blow the doors off anything.  if you do go with 12's, go with a name brand or you'll get the distortion.  im a huge fan of jl audio and rockford for amps.  never under any circumstance get a 15.  you'd be out of your ever loving mind.  drop $4000 into a nice system of jl and rockford.  youll be the talk of the town.

  4. As Carlos and Sparky stated, there are things to consider over the size.  15" subs have more surface area, and could definitely outperform some 12" subs.  But T/S is a major part of it, as well as box size and dimensions.  Also what kind of power you put into it.  So if you put a brand and model to your 15 and 12, that might better help put a "is it louder than or not."

    Also one other thing to thing about is how effecient is the woofer.  On poor quality subs they may not be as effecient and may or may not be louder etc.

    But generally speaking if you get two of the same model subwoofers but one is a 15" and one is a 12"  then yes usually the 15 should be louder giving both subs the right box, and the right amp.

  5. There is no hard and fast rule. Some 12's go deeper and louder than some 15's. If all parameters are equal, a 15 should go louder than a 12 because it will pump more air with equal excursion. It wil not necessarily go deeper. Once again, if everything is equal in both subs other than size why would one "go deeper" than the other. The "deepness" is a factor of box tuning and car interior shape and size.

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