
Is a 15 year old 12 inch phoenix gold sub still going to sound decent?

by  |  earlier

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It was my dad's and said he rarely used it and it was just sitting in the basement til now...




  1. Find out.

  2. a 15 year old with a 12 inch what ?

  3. Yes....your talking old school brother.Pheonix Gold was among the best 15 years ago.Now as far as Bass?Probably decent but nothing earth shattering.Todays subs are way more powerful then the old school...BUT I can tell you for sure that they will have great sound quality in the right box.Phoenix golds quality back then was way better than they are today.

    Look at it this way......Its a FREE subwoofer!!And even if you werent satisfied completely with its sound,it would definately  hold you over until you can afford to upgrade the sub later.By this time everything else thats car audio related would be installed....It would be just a SIMPLE matter of changing to a different sub...unless you upgrade to a MONSTER sub that requires enormous gargantuion wire and vast mounts of power from your car's electrical system ...Then it wouldnt be SIMPLE

  4. Nope.

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