
Is a 1972 Karmann Ghia a good first car?

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I am looking around for my first car and i came upon a beautiful 1972 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, running and everything for $2,500. My dad thinks it would be a great car, but my mom is concerned mainly about safety issues. I am a huge Volkswagen fan, and really want to get this car considering what a steal it is. Can anybody give me advise or any saftey numbers or features that would make this car safer than it already is?




  1. If your buying the car in chicago it probably wont last long... if you are buying it in arizona the desert has been good for it.

  2. sorry to say this but **** your mom she is just jealous that you are getting one, they are safe it a uni body with the motor in the back and a long bonnet you have nothing to worry about plus it is one the most beautifully cars ever made so no one in there right mind would hit you. and if you don't get the vdub give me a call  

  3. i had a 72 ghia convertible as my first car in 75 and i loved it.  i can tell you though that the heater is awful, the electrical system constantly needed repairs and now it would be difficult to find parts.  but i'd buy it again if i could find one.  i couldn't so i bought a new vw beetle convertible.

  4. Noooo question that it is one of the coolest first cars you could get if you're a VW person!

    As far as safety issues, the car met all the 1972 safety requirements but would never meet them today!

    Rust is a major problem with those old cars- If it's a "beautiful '72" as you describe- is it a restoration and was it done properly? When I did my 71 Bug, we took it off the pan and replaced all the rusted metal on the pan and body. We did our best to rust proof it and undercoat it for additional protection... "Bondo" was used in scant places.

    Or is the car all original and lived in a garage in the winters, was driven only on sunny and dry days, etc? These are the things you want to find out before going any further. For all you know, it looks good from a distance but the floor-pan looks like swiss cheese.

    Makin' it safer once you determine the car's ok? Get and keep a fire extinguisher in the car. Get 3 point seat-belts, a "Wink" mirror to increase your field of vision. Lesse.... and you may be able to have a roll bar installed to help protect you in the event of a roll over.

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck!

  5. those was nice little cars but i would be more concerned with what it might still need in repairs , I'm sure its had lot of work done to it,if not it will need a lot of work to maintain it,they were good cars when they was new,and if this one is in good shape it may be ok,but remember you cant go to any parts store and order a part for it,its an old car keep this in mind when you buy it,and also look for rust that it may have on it if its been rusted and repaired it might be a good idea to stay away from it,they did cause a lot of problems because of rusted out frame structures on them,good luck with it.

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