
Is a 1998 ford explorer a good first suv? for a 17 year old?

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hi there

is a 1998 ford explorer a good suv for a 17 year old i dont really care about the gas but are they a good truck for a first truck?





  1. YEA! GO FOR IT they're a very reliable vehicle despite the years gone by since they've been manufactured I see them on the streets alot. There's this guy at my school he drives a 1997 Ford Explorer (I see him/his car everyday) if you MUST have it then it's a good choice for you. It is sorta like a truck so the gas will probably kill you (financially) driving ANY SUV you will have a higher center of gravity, you'll need to be more aware/cautious of how your driving not to mention your surroundings. Just make sure you keep up on the maintenance when it needs it and that truck should last you a good long time.

  2. lets see a roll over special for a 17 year old

    get ins. quote first  

  3. Make sure the tires are properly inflated - 5 to 10 psi well above what is posted on the door jamb.  Ford really screwed up on that.

    Like any SUV, the center of gravity is high, and there is a greater tendency to roll over than in a car.

  4. ABSOLUTELY NOT.  My brother bought new in 98 and my niece was driving her three friends home in it from cheer leading practice; she was 16-years-old and a straight 'A' student.  The kind of gal everyone liked, including the teachers.  She swerved to miss running over a critter in the road, the vehicle rolled over twice and was stopped by a telephone poll.  She was the only one killed, the others had varying injuries.  NOT FOR A NEW DRIVER...absolutely not!!!

  5. yeah i would just worry about the miles on it...but i would take it

  6. It should be good for a while, atleast 150-200 thousand miles.

  7. its depends how your body is

  8. I don't see why not, I am a 17 yr. old and I got my dad's 2001 Dakota Sport I love it!  

  9. Their tendency to roll over makes them a scary choice for a 17 year old.  In the course of gaining experience, simply wandering onto the shoulder while distracted and over correcting back is enough to send you careening into oncoming traffic or roll over.  Get something with a lower center of gravity, like a car.  If you must have a truck (and you will care about the gas) get a Nissan or Toyota or Ranger or S10..  While not great handlers they are a little better than an explorer.  Oh, and if you do get an explorer, keep the tires inflated to 30 psi to 32 psi and check them regularly, and replace when worn.  Soft tires and blow-outs have caused many deaths and injuries in Explorers.

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