
Is a 2 1/2 year-old old enough to use scissors?

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If they are the little round-tip type?




  1. i'd go with no unless theyre those scissors that dont actually have a blade and just cut paper into funny shapes

  2. If you feel comfortable with them using scissors and you are helping them every step of the way and not leaving the scissors where they can get them anytime they want. Also make sure you are teaching them how to be safe with them.

  3. just keep a close eye on him or her!

  4. he/she probably wont have enough strength in their hands to use them, let alone the dexterity. you can get spring loaded scissors for little ones which give them the basic idea but are much easier to use and less frusterating for them, make sure you supervise though!

  5. Only under supervision--I wouldn't leave the room!!  (If not for safety factor, for the fact that hair might get "attacked" as well :p)

  6. if he seems capable, and you keep an eagle eye on him.

  7. Under close supervision, yes.  Without supervision - NO!

  8. Of course. My kids started around that age also, with safety scissors (would only cut paper, not skin)

    They are now 3 and 4 and love to cut and paste

  9. Depending upon his maturity, yes, with supervison.

  10. i'd get the plastic ones with the metallic rim. those are perfectly safe!

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