
Is a 2.16ghz processor fast?

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I do a lot of photo editing/graphic design so I have big programs. Oh yea...and I also use Windows Movie Maker a lot which drags on my old Dell. So I'm looking for a notebook that will allow me to use these kinda programs smoothly and w/out over heating my lap-top.

Wat I'm looking at now is a notebook with a 2.16ghz and 3gig memory. I guess what I'm trying to say is will these features combined allow my notebook to run fast and still have several programs running? Thats what I'm looking for in a laptop...any suggestions?

(I know 3ghz is super fast so I'm wondering how 2.16ghz will perform)




  1. Do you know what model it is?

    A 2.16GHz Pentium processor is horrid.

    A 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo processor isn't great, but is respectable.

    A 2.16GHz Centrino is worse than a Core 2 Duo but better than a Pentium.

    For a laptop 3GHz Core 2 Duo processors don't currently exist.

    Overheating isn't really an issue. Any decently made laptop won't overheat based on its workload as long as you have it on a surface the air can move one.

    2.16GHz should allow you to move quickly through basic tasks like internet and email, but Windows Movie Maker takes more resources and will be a bit slower but still reasonably fast. With 3 GB RAM as long as you don't have over a dozen or say Word Docs and Internet windows you'll be fine.

    However, when you are out of RAM the slowdown will be dramatic and that should be a hint to close some windows.

  2. Well make sure it is a dual core and you will be all set.  You might want to go with 4gigs of memory

  3. It the Ghz speed of a processor doesn't tell much without the type.

    At the same clock rate, say 2 Ghz...  A Core 2 duo will be about twice as as an AMD at the same clock rate, and will be 3-4 times faster than a Pentium 4 at the same speed. A Core 2 quad will be 80% faster yet than the Core2 duo at the same speed.

  4. Yes it will be.  

  5. well no its not fast but not slow either, but depends also on how many cores is processor, a quad core at that speed is much faster thean a dual core at that speed.  also just as important is the bus size and go with 4 gigs of ram over 3 gigs, its not much more money but does have a huge improvement in speed. also important is the speed of the harddrive

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