
Is a 2 page resume unprofessional?

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My question is basically, is a 2 page resume unprofessional? My husband says it is but, the problem is, I want to be able to put all of my experience on there and 1 page just doesn't justify my professional expertise. I am currently on the fence on whether I should look for another job or if I should stick in out in my current location, but, I would like to keep my options open. My fear is if I put out this 2 page resume, employers will look at this and frown and I won't be considered. Help!




  1. No, two pages is OK if you have significant related experience.  For entry level, one page is preferable.

    I've seen a couple resumes well over 20 pages.  Needless to say, those people were not interviewed.

  2. Short but sweet is complete, but, if you have that much relative experience then by all means show it and make sure the pages are bound together.

  3. Do you have 2 pages worth of RELATED experience? If so, then it is possibly ok. Most employers only want to see 1 page, but some will be ok with 2 pages, depending on your career level. Just make sure you get to the point for each job and don't provide a long list of details for each position (that is one thing that will turn off employers).  

  4. just list current jobs on back until you hit the end of 1st page and stop - if they want to know more beyond that, you can talk about it at the interview stage - recent employment is more important that older employment

  5. A two-page resume is fine.  I actually prefer receiving two-page resumes.  However, never have a resume that is more pages than two.  I receive many resumes that are five and six pages.  I do not read those.

  6. 2 pages is fine if you have a lot of very relevant experience.  just include job titles (not work descriptions), when you get to be more than 10 or 12 years back. Make sure the important stuff (name address education, most recent job) is all on the first page and very easy to find.  

  7. no, i don't think so. it just shows you have a lot of experience and talents! maybe they might get a bit intimidated, but don't fear! a 2 page resume is okay!

  8. The general rule is: if less than 10 years of work history do 1 page, if more than 10 years do 1-1/2 to 2 pages.

    I know from experience that it is a lot easier for a third party to help you know what to include and what to leave out of a resume. If you'd like my services please visit my website:

  9. i canunderstandnd well your problem, because my english is poor, but understandnd your question and haveve experience in human resources i tell you a resume must be short, 2 pages maybe 3 but no more, so do your resume writing all of youexperiencece but trying to do it short with the exact words that you need.  

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