
Is a 20 Gallon tank good for one Syrian Hamster?

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Is it big enough? Will he be happy?




  1. I have my hamster in a fish tank and he loves it, there is plenty of space for running around. Just make sure the tank has a Mesh wire lid for good ventilation.

  2. NO TANK! there is not enough ventalation for the hammy and it can get a respitory infection(sry i cant spell that! lol) and possibly die! :( get a nice little cage! oh and just to be safe use carefresh bedding and never cedar or pine. the fumes will kill them! :( i know it sounds like im being negative but its all for the health of the hammy and the the thickness of your wallet! lol

    good luck! ♥ ♥

  3. i would say yes, if he gets a lot of attention/time outside of the cage. no, if he isn't cared for properly.

  4. a 20 gallon tank is huge for a syrian hammie

  5. i think it's big enough

  6. Oh yeah, just make sure to get lots of toys. And a wheel for him.

    Good Luck!

  7. that will be well sized room. good luck!!

  8. yes that is tons of room for one syrian Hamster.  He will love you for that.  good choice on a tank instead of a wire of plastic cage.

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