
Is a 20 gallon tank too small??

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i was wondering if i should get a 20 or 29 gallon tank. i already have 3 neon tetras ( planning on getting 2 more) and i have a platy and i have 6 guppies. two of them are pregnant females and should be having theyre babys any day now. i am planning on keeping some of the babys and most likely keeping a couple from each batch?? will i get overcrowded if i get the 20 gallon tank?? should i just get a 29 gallon tank??




  1. The bigger the tank, the better.  The more volume per fish, the longer it takes for the nitrates to build up and the longer you'll have between necessary water changes.  

    I'd say go with the 29 gallon.

  2. I am having the same issue and I finally decided to go with a 29.  But my delema started with wanting a 55 and deciding that it was too big and going down to a 29.  I have three females, and they have had babies, have given some away, and have 7 left in the tank, I have about 5 male guppies, 5 neon tetras, 1 red tetra ,(forgot the real name) two platy's a chinese algea eater and a blue lobster.  oh and a zebra fish.  I intend to get some glass catfish and glass fish and a couple of other little ones, and think the 29 is the perfect size.  It is large,  but manageable.  I can't wait till the 20th when I get it.  Petco sells the kit which seems to be the better deal for 119 dollars.  The only thing you would need to buy is gravel and decorations for it.

  3. I always say the bigger the better with fish tanks. Depending on the number of babies that live and you keep from the guppies the 29 sounds like a better idea. Plus with a bigger tank you can always add more fish in later and have more options if you want to change the type of fish you are keeping (ie- from community to semi agressive). Make sure you get a breeder for the preggo fishies so the other fish won't eat the fry. You can find a breeder tank attachement in any PetCo or Petsmart.

    I hope I helped.  

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