
Is a 20 inch Lcd tv good for ps3 high defnition is it great

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Is a 20 inch Lcd tv good for ps3 high defnition is it great




  1. It's perfect.  1080p isn't very necessary for that size of screen, so 720p is sufficient.  You'll save a couple bucks.  Make sure you get a HDMI cable for it.

  2. The first two idiots who answered talked about 1080p vs. 720p to your question about a 20" LCD. LOL You can't get 1080p in a 20". However, if you are sitting close, within 3'-4' or so, a 20" 720p will work just fine for your PS3. In a small set like this, look especially at Toshiba and Sharp for reasonable prices and reliability. Stay away from the cheap junk like Polaroid and Vizio.

  3. if the tv has 720 it will be good but if it has 1080 it will be full hd which is amazing

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