
Is a 27 minute 5k good for cross country or what should i aim for. what is usually the average for a h.s boy?

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Is a 27 minute 5k good for cross country or what should i aim for. what is usually the average for a h.s boy?




  1. 27 minutes is an average time for any person going out for a run. if you are racing a 5k you should try and aim to shed several minutes off that time if you want to do well in cross country. if 27 minutes is the fastest you have ever run a 5k in what you should do is each time you race try and be faster than the previous race you ran. as you keep training and working with your team you will notice your times getting faster. i don't think you should compare yourself to the other people on your team or the others you race against just yet because what you want to focus on is getting your personal times better and showing improvement in yourself. once you get your times faster it is always fun to see who you are faster than and rivals that you want to beat. but you should worry about your own personal times first. that is why cross country is such a good sport because it is a major team sport but also an individual sport. making goals would be good for yourself because then you have something to motivate you if you aren't able to be very competitive with others. i would try and get as close to 20 minutes as you can for your first year of cross country and as you keep training more and more your time will keep getting faster and faster.

    the average time for a high school boy is around 17 minutes and the top runners run under 16 minutes and the boy that won the sectional i was in ran 3 miles in under 15 minutes and the boy who won state was under 14 minutes.

    i hope this helped you :)

  2. I ran one in 25 today, and I'm a girl. A good time is 17 for a guy, cause my brother Eric use to run all that time and he did cross country for four years and got like under 17. It depends your age, really.

  3. Maybe go for 20-25 minutes... :)

  4. go for 18-20 mins

  5. i think your time is about average. if you try out you'll most likely be JV but the practices will help you a lot. 17 minutes is like a Varsity time cuz 5K is a lil over 3 miles and that means whoever runs it in 17 runs each mile in a little bit over 5 minutes.

  6. well i can do 4k in 14 minutes so no offense but i dont think so

  7. I just finished my freshman year and my 5K time was about 22-23 min. you should try to condition a little more...             and yes i am a guy.

  8. A good male cross country runner can run 4 minute kms in a race. Thats looking at about 20 minutes for 5k.

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