
Is a 30 day notice to vacate mandatory when renting a room in a private home?

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I originally gave notice on July 1, that I would be out on August 1. I didnt find a place to move to yet and I'm still here. I will probably be out this week unless, I am forced to pay til Sept 1.




  1. CA landlord tenant laws govern the notice required for a month to month tenancy when there is not written lease.

    A 30 day notice is required. You are responsible for the rent through the full 30 day period.

    You gave notice, but failed to vacate. Legally, you would have to give another 30 day notice - your first is invalid seeing as you did not honor it.

  2. Depending on the state you live in, most require a 30 day notice. If you go over that 30 days, in your lease it will usually specify a daily rate. Most of the time it's jut your monthly divided by 30, but sometimes it's a bit more. Also, you can work it out with your landlord to take it out of your security deposit.

    Your best bet is to talk to the landlord and explain the situation and figure out if you will pay a daily rate or have him or her take it from the deposit.

    Good luck.

  3. if you signed a lease then yes you are obligated. talk to the person and see if they will charge you a daily rate. that way if you are there for 15 days you won't have to pay for 30 and they won't be losing money. you are after all still using their water and electricity. and occupying a room that could otherwise be rented to someone else.  

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