
Is a 4.0 possible with my junior year schedule?

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Here are the classes I'm taking next year:

AP music theory

AP English language

us history honors


chemistry honors

french 5-6

chamber orchestra

and how long do you think i should devote to studying a day, as well as practicing my violin? while also having some free time for myself?




  1. I think a four point oh is def. possible with any schedule, as long as you commit yourself.

    I'd def. practice your violin at least one hour a day if you are really serious about it! And you should of course do your homework

    I wouldn't necessarily study for hours for each subject everyday. Maybe just go over what you learned in class that day for about ten to fifteen minutes for every class. It really isn't that much time, but it adds up throughout the semseter and helps you really learn the information! That way you won't be cramming for tests or exams!

    I know this is what I am going to do and I am in a similar situation as you...Precalc honors, AP US History, maybe orchestra (which is unfortunately a joke at my school...everyone is so competetive and they think they are so great but they aren't...), AP Chem, AP French, and AP English...along w/ violin, volunteering, SAT (stupid junior year...) and just hopefully having some sort of life...

    Good luck! I'll be doing the same! And let me know how you do because I'll be doing the same...Eeeek.

  2. i maintained a 4.3 average my junior year

    and i took


    asl 5

    ap physics b

    ap english 11




    btw chem is super easy

  3. You can do better than a 4.0 with this schedule.  You will probably put in 2-3 hrs a day studying.

  4. yeah if you get all a's, lol

    but if it's weighted it could be like above a 4.0

  5. An unweighted 4.0 might be a little tough to get, but if you work hard I'm sure you can get it.

    If you mean weighted 4.0 then I think you could definitely manage it.

  6. Yes.

    That's basically my schedule for my freshman year, and I would kill myself if I didn't get at least a 4.0... It usually takes me a hour to do all of my homework. I also play soccer and basketball. I also shop a lot and hang out with my friends a lot. I think you'll have plenty of free time for yourself!

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