
Is a 5 year old ready for allowance?

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How should I go about it? set up a chart? what is a good amount to dole out weekly?




  1. Well, are they old enough to help out?  Are they old enopugh to put away their clothes?  If they are, I think they are old enough for an "allowance".  Remember, they are 5.  Give them a couple of quarters for the machines at the grocery store.  If you want to give them a bigger ammount, that's fine.  It teaches them the value of work and getting rewarded for good things.  And it teaches them the value of money

  2. No, way too young. Start at 9 or 10.

    At five, just buy him within reason what he wants. Maybe give him a few bucks now and again for spending money. And don't ever tie money given or allowance to chores.

  3. My four year old gets kind of an allowance. He has a chart set up with simple things for him to do. Like make his bed, get dressed, brush teeth, put breakfast bowl in sink etc. He gets tokens for each task done. If does it mon,tue,thur,fri and missed wed, we take a token out of cup. Then at the end of the week he can trade his tokens in for things. His rewards are trips to the zoo, park, museum, lunch alone with me or dad, things like that. We felt he was to young handle money but not to young to get into a habit of being clean and responsible for his own things.

  4. No way, she is too young wait up seven or eight the child can actually do stuff.

  5. what is she going to buy? shes too young wait till 8 or 9


  6. I use a chore chart with my 5 year old, complete with printed out photos of him doing each chore, since he can't read yet.

    He sweeps under the table, picks up his toys, helps set and clear the table, and even does some dishes in the sink. He also has the task of getting along with his siblings and having a BM in the toilet every morning (because he has had constipation and avoids having one if he can -- sorry if that is TMI). And as his older siblings have the chore of reading 1/2 hour a day, he has the task of being read to for 1/2 hour a day -- he has to ask/remind one of us to read to him after he's picked a book.

    It works great and if he gets it all done he earns $3 a week. He is getting good at saving it up to buy toys he wants from Wal-Mart. For my birthday he treated me to a $3 movie at the cheap theatre -- he bought the tickets and I bought the popcorn.

    5 is about the perfect age to start with allowance but you have to stick to your guns -- no chores, no money, and don't give them extra $$ for toys when you take them to Wal-Mart. If they had earned the money they could have bought the toy, or if they had saved the money instead of buying candy or some other c**p, they would have money now.

    My older kids have had a similar thing since they were 5-6 years old.

  7. Make a chart it is a fun way for kids to understand what they are doing! do not just set amount of week if your using a chart every time she does a chore maybe she gets a quarter shes only five so she does not need much money and make sure you find chores that are suitable for her age! for example cleaning room and making bed!

    Good luck!

    Hope i helped!

  8. dont let have an allowance til about 7 okay  

  9. When I was 5 my dad gave me $2 a week if I cleaned my room every week.  

  10. My 5 year old gets a $1 allowance if she cleans her room on Saturday.  If it doesn't get cleaned or I have to tell her to do it 500 times, no allowance.

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