
Is a 7 hour school day too much for a 4 year old?

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My daughter just started pre-K and a 7 hour day seems too long. She has been to school before (last year) for 3 half days a week and she loved it. Now she says she'd like to skip a day or come home after lunch. I signed a contract. Are we stuck? What do you think? Please help! Thank you




  1. Well if she isn't going to be at pre-school than will she be at a daycare or will she be at home with you.  Because if she is just going to be at home with you than are you going to be helping her reinforce the things she is learning or just let her watch TV.  If she is going to be at a daycare than what is she going to be doing there will they be in forcing school related tactics.

  2. It really depends on the child.  Some thrive on a long day with lots of activity, some are over-whelmed.  Does the schedule include a rest time or nap?  It really should for children this young, even if it's just a 45 minute quiet time with books and blankets and quiet music in case any one needs to sleep.  Also, don't make your judgment too quickly.  She may get into the swing of it and love it after a few weeks.  Is volunteering some time in the classroom an option?  At Head Start, we really encourage parents to volunteer, and sometimes when a child is over-whelmed, this is just what they need help them adjust.  Talk to the teacher and ask if any down time is given, and ask if volunteering in the classroom is an option.  If you're not comfortable with her answers, talk to the director.  You can probably withdraw her, but I think you should try other options first to see if you can help her adjust.

    I also think you are a great mom for expressing your concern!  An involved parent is a child's best guarantee for a good educational experience.

  3. the contract should be able to be broken if your child is overwhelmed. If not, then obviously the program is not appropriate to this age group. talk to the director.

  4. Has it occurred to you that she might be bored.

    I used to teach Head Start years ago and I thought that getting kids up to be in school from  8 a.m. to 1 p.m. was much too hard for them.

    I think that school for kids 9 and under shouldn't start till 10 a.m & should only last till 3 p.m. that's why home schooling is so much better than public schools.

  5. it depends on the kid. Your child will adjust. it will take awhile for both of you to adjust.

  6. No, my daughter is 4 and she has a 7 hour school day as well. They have nap time at school. She loves it, she'd rather stay at school then go home!

  7. I don't see anything wrong with pre-school. I think it's very good for children, but keep this in mind. They will be in school K-12 grade. That's 12 years! They'll have plenty of time there. Kids grow up so quick. Let them just be kids for a while. If she wants to come home and spend time with you, then let her!

  8. A seven year old is still used to playing all the time and being home.  It's good she went for the 3 half days. It gives her an experience but she's not there 7 hours.  That's too long for her to be away. Till she's in Kindergarten i don't think she should be going for that long.

  9. I definately agree that it seems too long for a 4 year old.  I would just break the aren't stuck..its your child, your decision!

  10. yes that does seem way to long. heck i coached tee ball for 3 yr olds and i could barely keep their attention for 7 seconds

  11. Where I work, some are there for up to 11 hours (WOAH!!) 7 hours is very long too. If you think about it, their waking hours are spent mostly with my co-workers and me. So make sure that you and your child's caregivers are in agreement with things that are important to you. If you stick with the program, give her things to look at to keep in her bag or cubby that remind her of you. Kids do start to miss their parents and having familiar things nearby seems to help them deal with their feelings.

    As for the contract, be honest with the place. Ask them the questions you have. There is usually a way you can pay your way out of it if they offer you nothing else.

  12. thats way too long for a four year old

    i suggest you take her to another pre-k school

  13. It depends on the child but,its too long but the contract you did sign and agree so that is going to be up to the schools.

         Or you could always change schools it definitely not to late you know.In fact school hasn't started in a few days,for that's all I know.

  14. Unless it includes a rest time when she can sleep if she needs to, lunch and a snack, and lots of time for free play that is far too long. She is telling you that herself. You may not be able to break the contract, although I'd read it carefully to find a loophole, but Pre-K is not mandatory and there is nothing they can do if you announce you are picking her up after lunch every day.

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