
Is a B- a bad grade?

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Im still in High School but i took a college course over the summer and the professor gave me a B-. I was wondering is that good or bad b/c we use numbers in my school....thanx in advance=]




  1. Good

  2. No a B- is not a bad grade. How the letter grades work is an "F" and you fail, a "D" is below average, a "C" is average, a "B" is a little above average, and an "A" is exceedingly well. Now what the minus means is that you were half way in between a "B" and a "C". The scale, from excellent to failure is (A+,) A, (A-, B+,) B,( B-, C+,) C, (C-, D+,) D, and F.

    There is no D- because that would be the same thing as an F+ and if you get an F, you get an F. No pluses or minuses. The ones in parentheses mean that they mean the same thing. An A- = B+, B- = C+, and so on.

    Hope I helped and didn't cause any further confusion.

    Great Job on the B-, keep it up! Try for the A too though.  

  3. Getting a B- in a college course is a good grade. Make it a habit to keep your grades up when you are in college. (Get a B or A). Don't settle for less. Have a bring future!

  4. I think it's just above average, which is okay. It's passing, at least, but not great. B is usually good, but the minus puts it just on the cusp of a C, which is the letter grade equivalent of saying "meh."

    A = Excellent

    B = Good

    C = Average

    D = Below Average

    F = Fail

  5. A B- is good but your great for caring about it ;)

  6. A B- is good. The average grade is a C. So you are above average = ]  

  7. no i don't think it is, pretty good i think

  8. definitely not! good job on getting B- ... i'd say about C is a good grade, and anything below not satisfying for others...but it depends on your personal ambitions. B- is great- and with further work you could progress more. don't be too down on yourself, just keep in your mind that B- is excellent, and i'm sure many didn't get that! so well done and keep up the hard work!
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