
Is a Budgie Parakeet a good pet bird?

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can they talk?

are they easy to tame?

im getting mine from a pet shop

will it be any harder to tame?




  1. I've got one, their great pets!

  2. parakeets aren't usually tame at all. and no they cant talk. try cockatiels their very easy to tame, to maintain and to teach tricks and to talk. i have one and he can talk. the best way to teach him to talk is, when your away at work have a radio with a recording of the word or phrase you want him to learn  on a CD and loop it all day. he or she will try to and prefect eventually. Good luck!

  3. They are great birds though you really need to devote alot of time and effort if you plan on taming it. They can talk though there is a great deal of determination and persistence needed for this. Good luck!

  4. I don't think they can actually talk.

    And a bird from a pet shop will probably be a little harder to "tame" than a bird from a private breeder, because they are barely handled.

    They just sit around in cages until someone buys them, whereas private breeders hand raise the babies, so they're super friendly.

  5. MALES can be taught to talk ( very little and not very clear)they are tame in the since that they wont bite your finger off like larger birds.  most budgies are generally gentle even pet store bought ones.  I don't think that they are hand fed...even from breeders so they can be skidish.  My bf bread them for years and i have bought some from stores, but we both think that they can "warm up" just fine  with everyday interactment and stimulus.   You could Enjoy your new pet  but may i suggest finding a local breeder  and try a cockatiel...they can be way more affectionate when hand fed( you cant guaranty that a bird from a major pet store is hand fed)

  6. I wouldnt get one there not real social I just got a lovebird and i she is amazing...just make sure you dont get a mate or else it wont have anything to do with you....there not real expensice and they make great pets...there about the same size of a parakeet but much sweeter...ask the owner how old it is and if was hand raised...get the youngest one it makes it alot easier to time when they are hand raised...The most important thing is to get its wings clipped while your taming it and dont be afriad of it....there so small it doesnt even really hurt when they bite it is just kindoff of pinch

  7. Many people have and enjoy budgies.  They make good pets if you take them seriously despite their small size, and put in the time they need.  The males can often speak many words, although their enunciation usually isn't great (see for a typical example).  They're mildly difficult to tame - they're so small that they can often be quite skittish, but at least you don't have to worry about them removing your fingers.

    It would be somewhat easier to tame a hand-raised budgie, but it's hard to find them.  They're easy enough to tame without it, and they cost so little that breeders seldom want to spend that much time on them.

    They don't live as long as many other pets - maybe 6 years on average.  Some live 12 years, but a lot die younger.  Some of the larger parrots may live 70 years, which presents a different set of problems.

  8. Yes, they can talk, but after a lot of training, and repeating

    They are acceptably easy to tame.

    No, it will not be harder to tame him/her.

    And finally Yes, they are such great pets. Very affectionate and Loving, I have had 5 but now have 1.

  9. it's good for my 7 year old daughter. tame easy. Just spend time with it let it get used to you. Takes time. no, they can't talk. Cheapest talkng bird is a cockateil.

  10. Google it.

  11. They can be taught to talk, but not as well as you'd probably like and it's a lot of hard work. They aren't really that easy to tame, and it's going to be harder if they haven't been hand fed. Most pet shops don't hand tame their birds.

    Really, judging from your questions, I don't think you're going to enjoy having a pet bird. Do some more research before you wind up with a pet you're not going to like.

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