
Is a CHINS on a 14 yr. old appropriate??

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My son will be 15 in 3 weeks. For the last year there has been alot of disrespect, attitude, not listening to us, behavioral stuff-and even got himself in trouble by fighting another boy that pressed charges and my son has been going to juvie court about it. He will not listed to us at all and even stays upstairs at his older sisters' apt. We are at our wits end right now, and don't know if a CHINS is the way to go?? Can anyone give us some GOOD advice PLEASE!!???




  1. What is a CHINS?  He needs to get to involved in an activity.  Likes music? sign him up for guitar or drum lessons.  Into sports?  skateboarding?  

  2. yes that sounds like a good idea. the only thing NOT to do is send him away to a special school or something with troubled children because that causes even worse bad connections. being surrounded by other bad kids would not help.  

  3. Sounds like a good case for CHINS.

    Also, corporal punishment wouldn't have been a bad idea earlier on.

  4. Thats normal except the part where pressed charges

    and whats chins?

  5. chinks r hot but dont reword him with s*x if he's going to juvi

  6. Frankly, at this point he is nearly a grown man and what ever you decide to do in an attempt to rectify his behavior is going to be unbelievably tough bordering on nearly impossible. To be honest, you know the real extent of the damage your son is capable of causing and whether or not it is able to be rectified in time. In the end, it really doesn't matter if he may be too old because it is still worth the shot. Good luck.

  7. CHINS!? Wtf is that?

  8. wtfs a chins?

    thought u were gonna say ur son has a double chin

  9. I think 14 is a perfectly appropriate age for it. Waiting longer is just going to let it get worse.

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