
Is a College Guy Obsessed with Video Games not ready for a Relationship?

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i found out that my new boyfriend is obsessed with video games and can be kind of immature even though he is 22. But he has a 4.0 gpa. He's not stupid. Is he Not ready for a girlfriend? Or should i give him a chance? Do you think video games make people antisocial and weird?




  1. So many problems with this question that need to be addressed. One video games are not a bad thing. Why do girls treat them like they are some form of evil device that they feel threatened by? He has a hobby and likes to play them. Is that any different than a girl who obsesses over stupid (and trust me they are F_cking dumb as h**l) celebrities and act like their lives matter so much to you personally? No. Girls obsess over celebrities and clothes, while guys like to enjoy and maybe obsess over video games.

    You wanna know the difference between video games and celebrities? You learn valuable things from certain games because they require real world information to be based on, so people who play them are usually smarter unless all he plays is Grand Theft Auto. What do you learn from celebrities beside what days they go to the gym to workout and what food they eat?

    Another thing, video games do not make people antisocial in anyway. Being an outcast because people think that someone that plays video games is a loser is why they become antisocial. You dumping him over his little love of games will just make him feel bitter because you don't even want to give him a chance. Why don't you try playing some games? I am sure there are some you would enjoy playing if you weren't so shallow and removed your head from out of your as*.

  2. Give him a chance.

  3. video games are one of my favorite hobbies, i play all the time. i had had several girl-friends and only one objected(but she objected to alot, she was weird). i play all the time with my friends, its one of the most social things i do. my favorite thing is when a girl will get in the video game action with me. dont give up on him for it, but tak to him. tell him you wanna make it work, and that video games are cool, but he needs to put u first, then video games. make sure he knows you come first, but dont take away his favorite hobby haha i would be heartbroken if i found an awesome girl who didnt want me to play anymore. give him a chance, but make sure he has got his priorities straight. haha and dont hesitate to jump in every once in a while! if we have to go see chick flicks, you should be willing to blow up some stuff on our ps3's with us! i have had 3 relationships that almost lasted a year and i played video games all the time, i just made sure my love came first ;)

    good luck!

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