
Is a Community Organizer more qualified than a Governor of a State?

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  1. Of course not

    any nitwit can start a riot

  2. Absolutely, when the state is the size of a Popsicles stand. If I come out of my house i can see the Sears Tower. On her resume alone she wouldn't get an interview to manage the place. They'd hire Obama in a minute but he's representing us in a better way.

  3. Not a chance.

  4. You learn to do miracles with OPM (Other People's Money).

    Given the Trillions of Dollars that he will need, Obama has already promised to solve everyone's problems 10 times over.

    So yeah, he knows how to spend.

    Vote for the HERO not the....

  5. depends if the govenor of a state...

    can organize a community larger then 3500


  6. No, a community organizer deals with only social issues but governors have to manage an executive position of managing an entire state full of hundreds of thousands to millions of people. A governor has to manage energy, the economy, jobs, and law and order in the state.

  7. yes, if that "community organizer" is also a Harvard law grad (top of his class) and has experience in both the state legislature and the US Senate when the "Governor of a state" has only been a Governor for two years of the least populated state in the union.  

  8. does alaska's proximity to russia make palin an expert in foreign affairs?

    fox news and cindy mccain think so

  9. Apples to oranges comparison.  Obama has been a U.S. Senator for four years.

    Why not ask, "Is a sportscaster more qualified than a United States Senator?"  

    That question would make as much sense as yours.

  10. Yes. Why? If one can get others to follow him and believe in him, that is a great man. Not some one who is passing by on his POW status and wifey's money

  11. Not even close.

    Palin built a 40 billion dollar natural gas pipeline to provide natural gas to the lower 48, Obama wants us to check the air in our tires.

  12. Yes, if He's divinely inspired.

  13. On Pluto and I think Saturn. I might be wrong about Saturn.

  14. This one is.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  15. Is a Navy pilot more qualified than a U.S. Senator?

    Your question is twisted to suit your views without regard to the actual facts. But i guess it is your type of mind that is best suited to vote for McCain, best of luck!

  16. yes if he is a professor of constitutional law and has a degree in political science and already has his national security clearance

    after all he is on the foreign relations committee

    while Joe Biden was telling Slobodan Milosevic:"You are a war criminal.. I'll see you at the Hague!" Palin was deciding if they should keep the city dump open an extra hour.

  17. Yes.

    Apparently, he's leading in the polls.

    Hello President OBAMA!!  

  18. Palin is running against BIDEN. Not Obama.

    But since you asked. A community organizer for 20 years + along with being in the senate makes you more qualified than someone who has only been governor for 22 months of a state that has the population of  people that would attend a george micheal concert. And prior to that was a mayor of a city of around 7,000 that had only 25 police officers.

    Now, with that add on the experience that Joe Biden (ya know the guy she is running against) has over her.


  19. You're comparing her last job with his very first job.

    What a bunch of BS.

  20. Anyone is more qualified than a creationist.  I mean, how intelligent can she possibly be?

    Do you want your children taught in school that "satan planted those fossils"?

  21. Your question is not valid because Obama did not go straight from community organizer to presidential candidate. There was a lot of work in the Illinois and US legislatures in between there.

    How about this question.

    Is PTA member more qualified than US Senator?

  22. Obama was also a law professor and has been a state senator and a US senator. I love how conservatives ignore all that to focus on a liberal or radical sounding title. I'm not going to claim that Obama is necessarily qualified to be president because I don't know if he is. However, there is no comparison between Obama and a two year governor of a small state who was previously a small town mayor. You're just making yourself look like an apologist tool by even insinuating a comparison.

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