
Is a Count better than a Knight? And what is a Viscout?

by Guest67056  |  earlier

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Forgivie my spelling if it is wrong.




  1. It depends on what monarchy you are talking about but if it's the English peerage it goes as such.  

    First (and obviously) you have





    NOBILITY which is made up of (in order of importance);

    -Duke and Duchess

    -Earl and Countess

    -Viscount and Viscountess

    -Marquess and Marchioness

    -Baron and Baroness

    -Lords and Ladies (usually children of nobility)

    a COUNT is not part of the British peerage, it is more of a european peerage and is mostly used in other countries.  The british equivilent would be a EARL.

    a COUNT is 'better' in a sense than a KNIGHT.  Many people can be knighted for various reasons and you do not have to be a part of a aristocratic family to become a knight.  For example, Elton John is a knight.  He was not born with the title like a count would be but it was blessed upon him by the queen.

  2. The title of Knight is different from the other two, however, in that it is personal, not inherited. To be a knight you have to have done something special enough for the Sovereign to decide to knight you.

  3. A Count it higher up than a Knight (who is basically the lowest) and i think a Viscount is right below a regular Count.

  4. This depends if you are comparing counts and knights from different monarchies and if one comes from an abolished monarchy and the other doesn't.

    In general, the three rank as follows, from highest to lowest:

    - Count

    - Viscount

    - Knight

    In the UK, the equivalent of a count is called an earl. A viscount in the UK, however, technically outranks a count from Germany, for instance, where the nobility is not recognized.

    A viscount can be seen of as a "vice count". Originally, a viscount would have been the deputy to a count.

  5. If you are a count,or the UK version earl,you are a member of the titled, ihnerited peerage,meaning your title passes on to your male descendants. The honorific of knight is not a peerage title and only refers to the one who receives it(spouse may use the courtesy title too).

    In order of precedence the peerage titles are



    A viscount is higher than a baron and lesser that an earl(count).

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