
Is a Dell m1330 Xps a good laptop for college. ?

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I am a freshman in college, and I found this laptop at a local dept. store for $550. All I am going to be doing is writing essays, itunes, downloading a few song and movies( not that much), upload pictures,and surfing the net. I want to know if the specs. below are good for my daily usage.


Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5450 (1.66GHz) processor

2GB installed memory

120GB hard drive

SuperMulti DVD drive

13.3" WXGA TrueLife™ Wide Display

Built-in Dell Wireless Bluetooth capability

2.0 Megapixel Integrated Webcam

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium

1 year warranty

4.8 lbs in weight


Can you please explain the Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5450 (1.66GHz) processor , is that fast.

Thank YOu .




  1. If that's all you're going to do anything will do the job (and the Core 2 Duo at 1.66 GHz is fast enough for what you have described (you'll probably end up underclocking it on battery anyway and won't notice the difference)).

    The 1 year warranty is a bit too short, if it isn't too much extending it to 3 years would be a good idea (although that laptop is cheap enough that it might be better to just throw it out and get a new one if it fails after 1 year) than to pay a few hundred for an extended warranty.

    If what you describe is all you'll be doing then the only things that you'll get annoyed at is the lack of an anti-glare coating on the screen (although it's getting to the point at which you need to pay serious money to get an anti-glare coating that should be standard) and of course the crappiness of Vista.

    You might also want to see if you can get the bigger battery for it if you are planning on using it in class.

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